От Дмитрий Шумаков
К Исаев Алексей
Дата 03.02.2005 13:25:07
Рубрики WWII; Артиллерия;

А что за агрегаты? (-)

От Исаев Алексей
К Дмитрий Шумаков (03.02.2005 13:25:07)
Дата 03.02.2005 13:28:21

Не уточняется

Do not salute me. There are goddamned snipers all around this area...

Только масса конструкции приводится - 6 тонн.

С уважением, Алексей Исаев

От М.Свирин
К Исаев Алексей (03.02.2005 13:28:21)
Дата 03.02.2005 13:39:32

Только ходовая от Т-60, двигун - форд. Не знаю, чего там Шпиль "единичкиного" и (-)

От Роман Алымов
К М.Свирин (03.02.2005 13:39:32)
Дата 03.02.2005 18:26:30

Фордом могли и Газ-11 назвать (-)

От М.Свирин
К Роман Алымов (03.02.2005 18:26:30)
Дата 03.02.2005 19:04:33

Вряд ли. Они все наши Т6 фордами переоснастили. Форды у них выпускались. (-)

От Дмитрий Шумаков
К М.Свирин (03.02.2005 13:39:32)
Дата 03.02.2005 14:02:02

Кресло, видимо, позаимствовали)) (+)

Про Maresal вообще-то скудновато, у Парады лишь поминается, что
Romanian designers produced designs of tank destroyer, very similar to Hetzer designated Maresal MO-4, armed with 75mm Resita M1943 gun (based on both Soviet 76.2mm ZIS-3 and German 75mm Pak 40 guns). The vehicle itself was based on captured Soviet T-60 chassis just as previous designs designated M-00, M-01, M-02 and M-03. In December of 1943, plans were presented to German designers, who then utilized some of its features in Hetzer's development. In March of 1944, Maresal's development was continued due to Fuhrer's support and further variants MO-5 and MO-6 were planned. In May of 1944, prototype of Maresal MO-4 was produced and after extensive tests it proved to be better than German Sturmgeschutz III(40) Ausf G and 75mm Resita M1943 gun proved to be better than German 75mm Pak 40 gun. Right away 1000 vehicles were ordered to be produced by Rofiger works. It was also planned to start production at plants both in Germany and Romania. In June of 1944, Germans also proposed to produce Flakpanzer Maresal. In August of 1944, first pre-production series of 10 was produced along with prototype of Maresal MO-5. Further production did not take place since Romania was "liberated" by the Red Army and on October 26th of 1944, Russians ordered all exisiting vehicles and prototypes to be scrapped and cancelled entire project

С уважением, Дмитрий

От Сергей Зыков
К Дмитрий Шумаков (03.02.2005 14:02:02)
Дата 04.02.2005 05:36:32

двигатели с "гочкиса" ставили

на "маршалы"

>Further production did not take place since Romania was "liberated" by the Red Army and on October 26th of 1944, Russians ordered all exisiting vehicles and prototypes to be scrapped and cancelled entire project

крысёныш канадский, не забыл "liberated" закавычить.