От Albert
К All
Дата 24.07.2000 17:25:58
Рубрики Современность; ВВС;

One of the biggest air battles in history, the largest since the Korean war, res

Добрый день.
On 9 June 1982 the Israelis initiated a massive air attack on the SAM missile batteries defending the Syrian occupied zone of Lebanon - the Bekaa Valley. Using sophisticated jamming systems, UAV reconnaissance drones and precision bombing attacks nineteen missile batteries were destroyed. The Syrians scrambled well over one hundred fighters to intercept the attackers, but without ground control radars to guide them, many soon fell to Israeli fighters.
One of the biggest air battles in history, the largest since the Korean war, resulted in Israeli claims of 22 kills without loss.
Кто прояснит, IMHO у Сирии было всего-то 4 ИАП т.е.~80 истребителей. Затем, разве радары наведения в Сирии не перекрывают долину Бекаа? Иракские ВВС принимали участие в этих событиях?

От Albert
К Albert (24.07.2000 17:25:58)
Дата 24.07.2000 17:30:58

Link http://www.aeroflight.co.uk/waf/israel/iafhist.htm
