От IlyaB
К Venik
Дата 11.07.2000 21:11:06
Рубрики Современность; ВВС;

Re: Совмещенный радар ДРЛО и радар воздух-земл

My guess is it's not as good as an AWACS in terms of air coverage. The article gives an impression that air tracking is more of a secondary ability, a somewhat unexpected bonus.

Also, the article says that "RTIP, a Northrop Grumman effort, would have doubled the acuity of the E-8 Joint-STARS radar and made it better able to find cruise missiles, even those with stealth shapes and coatings." If they actually built this your ekranoplan DRLO won't be as undetectable as you think it would be.

Zajdi v kurilku, please.

>Амеры упрощают. Новый тим радара ДРЛО без вращающейся антенны + радар воздух - земля в одном небольшом самолете.

