От Василий Фофанов
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Дата 19.02.2001 23:51:27
Рубрики Современность; Танки; Армия;

M289E3 готов к госиспытаниям. С чем нас и поздравляю :(

ATK's new tank round passes Critical Design Review

16 February 2001

ATK's Ammunition Systems Company successfully completed Critical Design Review (CDR) for the 120mm M829E3 kinetic-energy, armour-piercing tank ammunition round the, clearing the way for government qualification testing and the start of low-rate initial production later this year.

The M829E3 round uses an advanced composite sabot and penetrator design in addition to a high-performance propellant to substantially increase the lethality and accuracy of the US Army's Abrams main battle tank at extended ranges. The improved performance comes at the same low cost as the currently fielded tactical tank ammunition round.

The programme is in the 31st month of a 48-month engineering and manufacturing development effort worth $42 million. The programme has three production options that could bring total sales to over $130 million. The Army currently plans to continue production of the round for five to six years to fully meet war reserve requirements.

Mike McCann, president, ATK Ammunition Systems Company, said the M829E3 program's success to date reflects a rigorous approach to hardware design and a close working relationship with the Army. McCann said with CDR completed, the team will now turn its attention to manufacturing M829E3 rounds to support qualification tests, which are scheduled to begin in June 2001.

The M829E3 will replace the M829A1 and M829A2 rounds.


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С уважением, Василий Фофанов, http://members.dencity.com/fofanov/Tanks