От Kalash
К Tigerclaw
Дата 04.02.2004 06:38:15
Рубрики WWII;

Re: Песня о...

>And than I'll ask God
>Father, Son and the Spirit
>To honor my final request
>Let my friend forever
>Be there, by my side
>like in the battle
>that became out last...

А " На поле танки грохотали" в рифму переведете?

От Николай Поникаров
К Kalash (04.02.2004 06:38:15)
Дата 04.02.2004 10:21:02

Есть на странице Василия Фофанова

День добрый.

>А " На поле танки грохотали" в рифму переведете?


The Tanks Were Rattling
Like a Thunder...
(Po polyu tanki grohotali...)
© Danila Vorobiev

VF: This song comes from a very good old movie about a SU-100 crew during WWII, and it is immensely popular in Russia. This rendering is very interesting because the translation is almost exact and the original rythm is preserved entirely. I took courage to modify it a bit to move it even closer to the original and/or adjust style.

The tanks were rattling like a thunder
The soldiers went to final fight
And here they carried young commander
With head all broken outright

His tank was hit by armor-piercer
So say goodbye my dear crew
Four silent corpses on the hillside
Will add to fair morning view

And now the vehicle is a-burning
Wait for the shells to detonate
You wanna live to see this morning
But you're too weak and it's too late

So they'll extract you from the remnants
They'll put your coffin on the clay
And fire & thunder from the mainguns
Will see you onto your last way

For now the telegrams are flying
To tell the friends and relatives
That their son is never coming
And never getting any leave

And there's that photo on the bookshelf
Collecting dust for years on end -
In uniform,
with shoulder-boards on...
And he will never be her man.
In unifo-orm,
shoul-der-bo-ards OOOOOOOn...

And he will never be her man.

С уважением, Николай.

К Николай Поникаров (04.02.2004 10:21:02)
Дата 04.02.2004 10:28:43

Неплохо. Но погон - epaulette or (shoulder)badge (-)