От Marat
К Вад
Дата 06.07.2000 18:15:32
Рубрики Прочее; Современность;

Расшифровка сокращеннных обозначений военной техники из справочников(


Не уверен, что это то, что Вам нужно, но все же...

кладу расшифровку обозначений и сокращений, принятых англичанами из IISS - International Institute for Strategic Studies

италликом некоторые мои комментсы

От Marat
К Marat (06.07.2000 18:15:32)
Дата 06.07.2000 18:17:36

Re: Расшифровка сокращеннных обозначений военной техники из справочников(


>Не уверен, что это то, что Вам нужно, но все же...

>кладу расшифровку обозначений и сокращений, принятых англичанами из IISS - International Institute for Strategic Studies

>италликом некоторые мои комментсы

не понял все срезало - повтор

AAA anti-aircraft artillery (есть еще такие аббревиатуры AAV(G) – типа Шилки, AAV(G/M) – Тунгуски)
AAM/R air-to-air missile /refuelling
AAV amphibious armoured vehicle
AAW anti-air warfare
AB(D) airborne (division)
ABM anti-ballistic missile
about the total could be higher
ac aircraft
ACM advanced cruise missile
ACV armoured combat vehicle/ air cushion vehicle/vessel/
AD air defence
adj adjusted
AE auxiliary, ammunition carrier
AEW airborne early warning
AF stores ship with RAS
AFB/S Air Force Base/Station
AG misc auxiliary
AGHS hydrographic survey vessel
AGI intelligence collection vessel
AGM air-to-ground missile
AGOR oceanographic research vessel
AGOS ocean surveillance vessel
AH hospital ship
AIFV armoured infantry fighting vehicle
AIP air-independent propulsion
AK cargo ship
aka also known as
AKR fast sealift ship
ALARM air-launched anti-radiation missile
ALCM air-launched cruise missile
amph amphibious/amphibian
AMRAAM advanced medium-range air-to-air missile
AO/T tanker(s) with /without RAS capability
AOE auxiliary, fuel and ammunition, RAS capability
AP armed for anti-personnel attack
APC armoured personnel carrier
APL anti-personnel land-mine
AR/C repair ship/cable
ARG amphibious ready group
ARM anti-radiation (скорее anti-radar ) missile
armd armoured (еще есть armed)
ARS salvage ship
arty artillery
AR(R)V armoured recovery (and repair) vehicle
AS submarine depot ship
aslt assault
ASM air-to-surface missile
ASR submarine rescue craft
ASROC anti-submarine rocket
ASSM anti-surface ship missile
ASTT/W anti-submarine TT/warfare
ASUW anti-surface-unit warfare
ATF tug/ocean-going
ATACMS army tactical missile system
ATBM anti-tactical ballistic missile
ATGW anti-tank guided weapon
ATK anti-tank (еще есть просто AT antitank)
AVB aviation logistic ship
avn aviation
AWACS airborne warning and control system
BB battleship
bbr bomber
bde brigade
bdgt budget
BG battle group
BMD ballistic missile defence
bn battalion/billion
ВОFI Bofors Optronic Fire control Instrument
bty battery
cal calibration
CALCM conventional air-launched cruise missile
can cannon
CAS close air support
casevac casualty evacuation
CASM conventionally armed stand-off missiles
Cat category
cav cavalry
cbt combat
CBU cluster bomb unit
CC cruiser (это они явно путают, нет такого абревиэйшион, есть CG, которые раньше были DLG)
CCT combat-capable trainer
cdo commando
СЕР circular error probable
СЕТ combat engineer tractor
CFE Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (а CFET – соответственно ДОВСЕ)
CG/H/N SAM cruiser /with helicopters/nuclear-fuelled (nuclear-fuelled как то не по русски звучит :), обычно используется nuclear-powered)
cgo freight aircraft
civ pol civilian police
CLOS command to line of sight
CMDS command ship
comb combined/combination
comd command
comms communications
CONUS continental United States
coy company
CV/N/V/S aircraft carrier /nuclear-fuelled /V /STOL and hel
CVBG carrier battle group
CW chemical warfare/weapons
DD/G/H destroyer /with area SAM/ with hel
DDS dry dock shelter
def defence
defn definition
det detachment
div division
DMS defence mobilisation ship
ECM electronic counter measures
Econ aid economic aid with a military use
ECR electronic combat and reconnaissance
EDA Excess Defense Articles (US) (это такая американская программа продаж вооружений, аналог того, чем должен заниматься «Промэкспорт» - «реализация высвобождаемого военного имущества» , кстати ниже упомянуты другие аналогичные программы FMS, FMF, FMA, IMET, но забыли упомянуть DCS – direct construction sales)
EEZ exclusive economic zone
ELINT electronic intelligence
elm element
EmDA Emergency Drawdown Authority (US)
engr engineer
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
eqpt equipment
ESM electronic support measures
est estimate(d)
EW electronic warfare
excl excludes/excluding
exp expenditure
FAC forward air control честно говоря я впервые такую аббревиатуру прочел, у меня FAC ассоциируется с fast attack craft, бывает еще FAC(M/T) - fast attack craft (missile /torpedo)
fd field
FF/G/H frigate/with area SAM/with helicopter :
FGA fighter, ground-attack
flo-flo float-on, float-off
flt flight ! : .
FMA/F/S Foreign Military Assistance/ Financing/ Sales
FPS fleet patrol ship
FROG Free Rocket Over Ground если народ помнит есть (были) такие ракеты в ВС, которые буржуи так и обозначали FROG-2, Frog-7 – не спроста значится :)
ftr fighter (aircraft)
FW fixed-wing
FY fiscal year
GA group army
gd guard
GDF gross domestic product
GNP gross national product
gp group :
GS General Service (UK)
GW guided weapon
HACV heavy armoured combat vehicle
HARM high-speed anti-radiation missile
hel helicopter
HMMWV high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
HOT High-subsonic Optically Teleguided
how howitzer
HS Home Service (UK)
HWT heavy-weight torpedo
hy heavy
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
IMET International Military Education and Training
imp improved
incl includes/including
indep independent
inf infantry
IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile ( а IRBMT, соотвественно Договор о РСМД?
JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition
JSF Joint Strike Fighter
JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
Kt kiloton
LACV light armoured combat vehicle
LAMPS light airborne multi-purpose system
LANTIRN low-altitude navigation and targeting infra-red system night
LASH cargo ship barge
LAW light anti-tank weapon ( вроде бы у израильтян есть что-то похоже звучащее и функционально похожее)
LCA landing craft, assault
LCAC landing craft, air cushion
LCC amphibious command ship
LCH/M/T/ U/VF landing craft, heavy/ mechanised/ tank/ utility/ vehicles and personnel
LGB laser-guided bomb
LHA landing ship, assault
LKA assault cargo ship
log logistic
LPD/H landing platform, dock/ helicopter
LSD/H/ M/T landing ship, dock/heavy/ medium/ tank
lt light
LWT light-weight torpedo
maint maintenance
МВТ main battle tank
MCC/I/0 mine countermeasures vessel, coastal/ inshore/ offshore
MCDV maritime coastal defence vessel
MCM/ CS/ V mine countermeasures/ command and support ship/ vessel
MD Military District (вот и военный округ)
mech mechanised
med medium
MEF/B/U Marine Expeditionary Force/ Brigade/Unit (US)
MG machine gun
MHC/I/0 minehunter, coastal/inshore/ offshore
mil military
MIRV multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle
misc miscellaneous
MIUW mobile inshore undersea warfare
Mk mark (model number)
ML minelayer
MLRS multiple launch rocket system
mob mobilisation/mobile
mod modified/modification
mor mortar
mot motorised/motor
MP Military Police
MPA maritime patrol aircraft
MPS marine prepositioning squadron
MR maritime reconnaissance/ motor rifle
MRAAM medium-range air-to-air missile
MRBM medium-range ballistic missile
MRD motor rifle division
MRL multiple rocket launcher
MRR motor rifle regiment
MRV multiple re-entry vehicle
MSA minesweeper, auxiliary
MSC military sealift command
MSC/ I/ 0/ R minesweeper, coastal/ inshore/offshore/riverine
msl missile
MT megaton
mtn mountain
n.a. not applicable
NASAMS Norwegian Advanced SAM System
NBC nuclear, biological and chemical
NCO non-commissioned officer
n.k. not known
nm nautical mile
NMD national missile defence
NMP net material product
nuc nuclear
obs observation
ocu operational conversion unit(s)
off official
O&M operations and maintenance
OOA out of area
00V objects of verification
op/ops operational/operations
OPV offshore patrol vessel
org organised/organisation
OTH/-B over-the-horizon/ backscatter (radar)
OTHR/T over-the-horizon radar/ targeting
PAAMS principal anti-air missile system
para paratroop /parachute
pax passenger/passenger transport aircraft
PCC/I/0/R/H patrol craft, coastal/inshore/ offshore/riverine/harbour
PDMS point defence missile system
pdr pounder
PFC/I/0 fast patrol craft, coastal/inshore/offshore
PFM/T fast patrol craft, SSM/torpedo
PGG patrol craft with SSM
РНМ/T hydrofoil, SSM/torpedo
PKO peacekeeping operation
pl platoon
POMCUS prepositioning of materiel configured to unit sets
ppp purchasing-power parity
PSC principal surface combatant
publ public
RAPID Reorganised Army Plains Infantry Division
RAM Rolling Airframe Missile
RAS replenishment at sea
RCL recoilless launcher
R&D research and development
recce reconnaissance
regt regiment
rkt rocket
RL rocket launcher
ro-ro roll-on, roll-off
RPV remotely piloted vehicle
RRC rapid-reaction corps
RV re-entry vehicle
SACLOS semi-automatic CLOS
SAM surface-to-air missile
SAR search and rescue
sat satellite
SDV swimmer delivery vehicles
SEAL sea-air-land
SES surface-effect ship
SEWS satellite early-warning system
SF special forces
SIGINT signals intelligence
sigs signals
SLAM stand-off land attack missile
SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile
SLCM sea-launched cruise missile
SLEF service life extension programme
SMAW shoulder-launched multi purpose assault weapon
SOC special operations capable
some up to
Sov Soviet
SP self-propelled
spt support
sqn squadron
SRAM short-range attack missile
SRBM short-range ballistic missile
SSK/С/I diesel submarine ASW/ coastal/inshore
SSBN ballistic-missile submarine nuclear-fuelled
SSGN SSN with dedicated non-ballistic missile launchers
SSM surface-to-surface missile
SSN nuclear-fuelled submarine
START Strategic Arms Reduction Talks/Treaty
STO(V)L short take-off and (vertical) landing
str strength
SUGW surface-to-underwater GW
SURV surveillance
SWATH small waterplane area twin hulled (vessel)
sy security
t tonnes
ТА Territorial Army (UK)
tac tactical
TASM tactical air-to-surface missile
TD tank division
tempy temporary
THAAD Theater High Altitude Area Defense (US)..„
tk tank
tkr tanker
TLE treaty-limited equipment (CFE)
TMD theatre missile defence
TOW Tube-launched Optically-tracked Wire-guided missile
torp torpedo
tp troop
tpt transport
tr trillion
teg training
TT torpedo tube
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UN United Nations
URG under way replenishment group
USGW underwater-to-surface GW
uti utility
UUGW underwater-to-underwater GW
veh vehicle
VIF very important person
VLS vertical launch system
V(/S)TOL vertical (/short) take-off and landing
wg wing
WMD weapon(s) of mass destruction
wpn weapon
XFFB extra-fast patrol boat

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