От Vadim
К Vadim
Дата 14.04.2003 09:48:15
Рубрики Современность; Флот; Стрелковое оружие; Артиллерия;

Ре: [2Макс] Что...


Без пиджака, в одной рубахе
Шинель продета в рукава

Bombardier Malcom from the 16th Air Defence Regiment attached to HMAS KANIMBLA, mans an RBS70 missile launcher as a coalition Sea King passes overhead. ADF

Фуражка теплая на вате
Чтоб не болела голова

Bridge lookouts on HMAS Anzac during a live firing mission in the North Arabian Gulf


An Australian clearance diver, Leading Seaman Jason (surname withheld) on watch patrol at Umm Qasr

Еще один жгучий брунэт

A crew member from the landing craft attached to HMAS Kanimbla takes a breather

Морячка, тут не спутаешь, якорек в петлице на что

An Australian naval personnel writes a letter to her mum back home at the military base camp at Af Sayliyah in Qatar

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Australian soldiers from the 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (Commando) patrol during a “brown-out” dust storm. ADF
An Australian naval personnel writes a letter to her mum back home at the military base camp at Af Sayliyah in Qatar