От Daniel
К Рыжий Лис.
Дата 04.04.2003 14:28:43
Рубрики Прочее; Современность; Локальные конфликты; Политек;

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>Очередной аналитик и эксперт, сосущий собственный палец. Официальное лицо процитируйте лучше.


Всего хорошего.

От Рыжий Лис.
К Daniel (04.04.2003 14:28:43)
Дата 04.04.2003 14:41:19

Ну и?

"The days of the Saddam Hussein regime are numbered."
Это всё что ли?

От Daniel
К Рыжий Лис. (04.04.2003 14:41:19)
Дата 04.04.2003 14:55:25

Re: Ну и?

>"The days of the Saddam Hussein regime are numbered."
>Это всё что ли?
Извините, вы все прочитали, до конца?
"Q: Mr. Secretary, you and other officials have emphasized how massive the actual attack on Iraq will be once it starts, urging the Iraqi military not to fight. Is it also your hope that some elements of the military might remove Saddam themselves? And how would you assess the chance of that?

Rumsfeld: I don't think it's possible to assess the chances, but there's no question that the people of Iraq and the people of the region have to know that his days are numbered, he's not going to be there. In some period of time, he's gone and that regime is gone, to the great benefit of the Iraqi people. They'll be liberated. There are various ways it could happen. One way is that the people of Iraq close to him could decide that he's no longer of value to the country -- which would be the understatement of the morning. He could decide it's time to leave and he'd prefer to stay alive and find a way to escape. "

Всего хорошего.

От Рыжий Лис.
К Daniel (04.04.2003 14:55:25)
Дата 04.04.2003 15:04:26

прочитал, прочитал. Не впечатлило (-)