От kami
К Robert
Дата 30.03.2003 17:10:20
Рубрики Современность; Локальные конфликты;

Ре: Не вымрет

>ну дык именно это я и говорю: ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТь НЕИЗВЕСТНА. Собеседник же считает что система была "эффективной". Аргументов нет ни у меня ни у него. Почему я должен ему возражать, не понимаю - чтобы последнее слово в споре оставить за собой, что ли?

об еффективности почитаите здесь

и здесь

Unlike in Afghanistan, international aid organizations have not played a significant role in the distribution of food here, meaning that those groups also would have to start from scratch if they wanted to help feed people.
"It will be an enormous -- if not impossible -- task," one U.N. official here said. "There is no precedent for an aid operation of this scale."
Iraq spends about $1.3 billion every six months under the program to import wheat, rice, sugar and other commodities, which are distributed to every home using a network of local distribution agents. The ration system is regarded by the United Nations as the world's largest and most efficient food-distribution program of its kind.

i do not expect you to admit that you've lost the argument: "expert analysts" rarely do (i've seen enough of them -- their ignorance [multiplied by arrogance] is their strongest point).