От sas
К Skvortsov
Дата 06.10.2019 20:37:34
Рубрики Прочее; WWII; 1941; Военные игры;

Re: Вы уж как-то сами с собой определитесь

Присутствовал там Арк-Роял или нет. А то у Вас два взаимоисключающих сообщения.

От Skvortsov
К sas (06.10.2019 20:37:34)
Дата 06.10.2019 20:46:02

Присутствовал у Нарвика. В высоких широтах, о которых был вопрос. (-)

От sas
К Skvortsov (06.10.2019 20:46:02)
Дата 06.10.2019 20:52:20

Re: Так речь вообще н ео присутствии

А о примерах действий. Таких, как налет на Таранто.

От Skvortsov
К sas (06.10.2019 20:52:20)
Дата 06.10.2019 21:25:15

У Норвегии задача обоих авианосцев была обеспечивать ПВО.

After joining in the hunt for the Graf Spee in October 1939 and escorting the heavy cruiser HMS Exeter back to Devonport, Ark Royal was ordered to the Mediterranean with HMS Glorious but orders had changed by the time they reached Gibraltar in April 1940. Ark Royal was then ordered,along with Glorious, to provide fighter protection off the coast of Norway which lasted until early June, by which time, the assault had become an evacuation.
Ark Royal was then assigned to Admiral Sir James Somerville’s Force H in company with
HMS Hood and a trio of destroyers operating in the Mediterranean. The first task was to deal with French fleet anchored at Mers-el-Kebir. Ark Royal’s aircraft served as target
spotters for the British warships during the action.

In April 1940, Glorious was ordered to return to Home Fleet to support the invasion
of Norway by providing air cover in company with Ark Royal. Gladiators of 263 Squadron were flown on board as well as Skuas of 803 Squadron and Sea Gladiators of 802 and 804 Squadrons.
263 Squadron were flown off on April 24 to attack target around Trondheim while Glorious returned to Scapa Flow three days later to refuel and take more aircraft on board. Back off Norwegian coast on May 1, the Sea Gladiators from Glorious provided air cover for both carriers with some success despite intensive attacks by the Luftwaffe during the daylight hours.
Having withdrawn for a second time, Glorious returned to Norway again on May 18 with the Walrus of 701 Squadron and 18 Hurricanes of 46 Squadron, the latter unable to fly off until May 26. The British forces had to withdraw a few days later which also involved the recovery of 46 Squadron Hurricanes, which managed to land on the carrier without the aid of an arrestor hook with little difficulty.
Glorious set sail for Scapa Flow, early on June 8 with just two escorting destroyers in
attendance, HMS Acasta and Ardent.

"British Aircraft Carriers of World War 2"

От sas
К Skvortsov (06.10.2019 21:25:15)
Дата 06.10.2019 21:38:18

Re: Я знаю, как и то, что они пытались заниваться и другим...

Более того, я также знаю, что у них это получалось не очень, даже в отсутствие немецких истребителей, почему и пришлось перегнать под Нарвик две эскадрильи "не морских" истребителей.

От Skvortsov
К sas (06.10.2019 21:38:18)
Дата 06.10.2019 22:18:38

Если б знали, не просили бы "о примерах действий. Таких, как налет на Таранто." (-)

От sas
К Skvortsov (06.10.2019 22:18:38)
Дата 06.10.2019 22:31:07

Re: А я Вас просил или другого гражданина?

Который тут британский десант на Мурманск планирует, но при этом Средиземноморский ТВД путает с Северным.