От apple16
К Boris
Дата 04.06.2019 13:43:32
Рубрики WWI; WWII; Современность;

Там бумажки в основном сводные - какой-то аналог DDRS рассекреченого

Деталей по миссиям может и не быть - или все черным замазать придется

Вот что американцы (в кооперации с англичанами) знали про Капяр в июле 1953:
Из документа

Soviet Guided Missile Intelligence, A Summary. US/UK GM 4-52. July 20, 1953. 369 p. App. A - Status of German Developments at Close of World War II; App. B - Alphabetical List of Known or Suspected Guided Missile Activity by Geographical Place Names, Identified as Development, Manufacturing, Test or Operational Locations. Remarks Include Some Evaluation as to the Reliability of the Source; App. C - Alphabetical List of Personalities Known or Suspected to be Connected with Soviet Guided Missiles. Include Nationality, Location, Specialty, and Short Brief of Pertinent Information with Date of Last Information. TOP SECRET, Downgraded to SECRET. May 1, 1959. Declassified Feb. 28, 1975

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