От Skvortsov
К Alexeich
Дата 09.05.2019 15:22:40
Рубрики 1941; Стрелковое оружие;

Похоже, из 10 пулеметов единовременно вели огонь 6 штук.

The 100th Brigade was ordered to carry out the attack on the 33rd
Divisional front. For this attack six guns were grouped in Savoy Trench,
from which a magnificent view was obtained of the German line at a
range of about 2,000 yards. These guns were disposed for barrage.

Как видим, имелось 6 пулеметных гнезд.

On August 23rd and the night of the 23rd-24th the whole Company was, in
addition to the two Companies of Infantry lent for the purpose, employed
in carrying water and ammunition to this point. Many factors in barrage
work which are now common knowledge had not then been learned or
considered. It is amusing to-day to note that in the orders for the
100th Machine Gun Company’s barrage of ten guns, Captain Hutchison
ordered that rapid fire should be maintained continuously for twelve
hours, to cover the attack and consolidation. It is to the credit of the
gunners and of the Vickers gun itself that this was done ! During the
attack on the 24th, 250 rounds short of one million were fired by ten
guns ; at least four petrol tins of water besides all the water bottles of
the Company and the urine tins from the neighbourhood were emptied
into the guns for cooling purposes ; and a continuous party was employed
carrying ammunition. Private Robertshaw and Artificer H. Bartlett between
them maintained a belt-filling machine in action without stopping for a
single moment, for twelve hours. At the end of this time many of the
N.C.O.’s and gunners were found asleep from exhaustion at their posts.

Видимо, всего было 10 пулеметов и расчетов. Которые сменяли друг друга для устранения неисправностей, замены стволов и отдыха расчета.
