От ttt2
К Kalash
Дата 22.07.2018 10:18:22
Рубрики Загадки;

Так в следующем посте

>Я так тоже подумал, но то что американцев было в 25 раз больше, говорит мне, что это наверное не так. Может речь о Канаде и войне 1812 года?

So after the Anzacs tried and failed, the job fell to our troops. We planned and organized for 3 months, built a railway to the front lines, offloaded supplies, food, hospitals, ammunition, and then, we attacked. Three months later, with total casualties of 14,600 (4,600 dead, the rest wounded) we demolished the German front lines and the rest of you poured through. Our troops went on to repeat that success at Ypres, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele, all the way along the western German lines to the Zyder Zee.

That was when the Germans finally capitulated. So actually, the truth is that it was our troops and our commanders that won the first world war

Преувеличенная Канада.

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