От Pout
К SpiritOfTheNight
Дата 24.07.2016 08:38:02
Рубрики 11-19 век; WWII;

Re: А кто...

первыми при изготовлении крупных карт использовали ортогональную сетку видимо одновременно греки и китайцы, но градусную (связанную с представлениием о Земле как шаре)- только Птолемей. Второе столетие нашей эры

Thrower, Norman Joseph William.
Maps and civilization : cartography in culture and society / — 3rd ed. 2008 = на

The earliest survey of China (Yii Kung) is approximately contemporaneous with the earliest
reported mapmaking activity of the Greeks, that of Anaximander (sixth century B.C.). In the centuries following, there are remarkable parallels between the geographical literature ofChina and that ofGreece and the Latin West (especially later Roman writers), indicating more than casual contacts between these cultures.
Apparently the rectangular grid (a coordinate system of equal squares), which is basic to much scientific cartography in China, was formally introduced by the astronomer Chang Heng, a contemporary of Ptolemy. The grid subdivides a plane or flat surface; although this figure was assumed for purposes of mapmaking, it must not be supposed that all scholars in China believed this was the shape of the earth
