От realswat
К И. Кошкин
Дата 05.11.2015 22:15:35
Рубрики WWI; Флот;


>Посмотри, сколько тонули его собратья по классу. При том, что у "Коррейджеса" не было ни взрыва боезапаса, ни пожара бензина.

Letter from Commander-in-Chief, Western Approaches, to Secretary of Admiralty
15 October 1939
Loss of HMS Courageous, 17 September 1939

[ADM 156/195]
7. Action taken after being hit
After the explosions, the attempts made by the Executive Officer to pass the order to close all watertight doors were ineffectual owing to complete breakdown of electrical power which put the ship in darkness and severed communications.
Fog horns were not sounded in accordance with KR and Al. Article 1075, but it seems probable that if they had been sounded they would not have been heard owing to the noise made by the Typhoon Siren. From the evidence given it appears that little practice at closing watertight doors in accordance with KR and AL, Article 1078, had previously been carried out.
Owing to the speed at which the ship heeled over, and owing to the failure of lighting arrangements, it is doubtful whether anything could have been done in the time available.

Report from Board of Inquiry to Commander-in-Chief, Western Approaches
4 October 1939
Loss of HMS Courageous, 17 September 1939

[ADM 156/195]

8. It is improbable that any bulkheads collapsed other than in the region of the explosion. The noises heard between decks were probably aircraft in the hangar and gear taking charge. To sum up, it seems certain that the furthest aft that flooding should have taken place with watertight doors properly closed was 90 bulkhead, and this is assuming that the foremost bulkhead of 'A' boiler room was damaged, of which there is little evidence.
The Board regrets to have to come to the conclusion that the rapid sinking of the ship was due to the majority of doors other than 'X' doors being open. Some of the 'X' doors were not closed and all ventilation was open. There was thus almost a free run of water throughout the ship as the list increased.
The Board makes the following recommendations:
12. Collision, abandon-ship stations and general emergency breakdowns should always be exercised frequently in war time. It is considered that a lack of knowledge of what should be done in emergency is a much more serious cause of reduction of morale than any drills which might bring the possibility of a disaster to mind.
13. No doors through a WT Bulkhead should be open at sea in war time unless they would be above the water line with a reasonable list on the ship. This may cause inconvenience but it must be accepted. In ships where this cannot be done it is recommended that hatches be cut where possible so that direct access is available to the decks above. In new construction it should be possible to have no doors of any kind in watertight bulkheads.

>И. Кошкин

От И. Кошкин
К realswat (05.11.2015 22:15:35)
Дата 06.11.2015 00:10:07

Re: Например

Я вас приветствую! Хррр. Хрррр. Ххуррагх!

Например, водонепроницаемые двери "Арк Роял" тоже не были закрыты - в тех же котельных их закрывал помощник старшего механика. Заключение базируется на improbable и probable, нет ни одного свидетеля того, что двери не были закрыты (причем нигде не были закрыты, причем моряки не стали их закрывать, даже увидев или почувствовав воду). И это понятно - еще два авианосца этого класса находились в море, и признать, что корабли имеют слабый корпус было невозможно.

И. Кошкин

От realswat
К И. Кошкин (06.11.2015 00:10:07)
Дата 06.11.2015 00:19:45

Эта... как её... теория заговора, да. (-)

От И. Кошкин
К realswat (06.11.2015 00:19:45)
Дата 06.11.2015 00:47:41

Нет, стандартная комиссия по врачебной этике.

Я вас приветствую! Хррр. Хрррр. Ххуррагх!

"Матчасть работала без сбоев, ошибка экипажа".

И. Кошкин