От Ibuki
Дата 13.10.2014 20:25:35
Рубрики WWII; Армия;

Re: Интересный фильм...

>Другое дело, что во 2МВ ни одна из армий (кроме пожалуй японов), указывая пехотинцам примкнуть штыки перед атакой, не ожидала перехода атаки в штыковые спарринги бородино-стайл.
Что там японы ожидали - это их дело, но на практике никого штыками им заколоть не удавалось.

>Edged Weapons, Hand Actuated
>Although bayonets were attached to most Japanese rifles, they were not considered a primary cause of wounds. Among the 2,335 casualties studied in the Bougainville campaign, only 2 were listed as having had wounds caused by this weapon. A New Georgia-Burma casualty survey unit studied 393 casualties. Of 319 of these casualties that required hospitalization or that were killed in action, there were only 3 bayonet-wound cases. Two of these were accidentally inflicted with a U.S. bayonet, and in the third case the bayonet wound was secondarily inflicted following primary small arms wounds to the lower extremities. Notwithstanding this relatively small sampling of the total U.S. casualties incurred against the Japanese forces, it would appear that the bayonet was not a major, primary wound-producing weapon and that most bayonet and knife wounds were secondarily inflicted following a primary-missile wound. Infantry personnel through their personal experiences could probably reveal some variations as to the comparative effectiveness of bayonets and knives, but, in general, edged weapons were relegated to secondary functions.
Добавлю что речь идет о боях в джунглях где больше 65% всех ранений нанесенных стрелковым оружием приходилось на дистанции 70 метров и ближе,самый что ни на есть ближний бой.

От Dargot
К Ibuki (13.10.2014 20:25:35)
Дата 16.10.2014 18:19:13

Re: Интересный фильм...


>>Edged Weapons, Hand Actuated
>>Although bayonets were attached to most Japanese rifles, they were not considered a primary cause of wounds. Among the 2,335 casualties studied in the Bougainville campaign, only 2 were listed as having had wounds caused by this weapon. A New Georgia-Burma casualty survey unit studied 393 casualties. Of 319 of these casualties that required hospitalization or that were killed in action, there were only 3 bayonet-wound cases. Two of these were accidentally inflicted with a U.S. bayonet, and in the third case the bayonet wound was secondarily inflicted following primary small arms wounds to the lower extremities. Notwithstanding this relatively small sampling of the total U.S. casualties incurred against the Japanese forces, it would appear that the bayonet was not a major, primary wound-producing weapon and that most bayonet and knife wounds were secondarily inflicted following a primary-missile wound. Infantry personnel through their personal experiences could probably reveal some variations as to the comparative effectiveness of bayonets and knives, but, in general, edged weapons were relegated to secondary functions.

Забавно, что, несмотря на это, истошно вопящий "самурай" со штыком или катаной прочно прописался в фильмах/играх на соответствующую тему. Да и не только, в принципе, ощетинившиеся клыками волны зергов и прочих тиранидов в фантастике, думаю, туда же корнями уходят.
Действует, страх штыка-то.

С уважением, Dargot.