От George
К Юрий Житорчук
Дата 06.02.2011 20:38:13
Рубрики Спецслужбы; 1917-1939;

Прямое отношение

>И какое это имеет отношение к событиям 1920 года???

Прямое. Там же написано:

To understand the chronology of breaking the Enigma code we have to go to 1920 Poland.

After regaining independence following 123 years of German and Russian occupation, Poland was attacked in 1920 by an overwhelming Soviet army. The Polish military commander, Marshal J. Pilsudski, was able to hold the attack at Warsaw and then turn it back. This was due, to a large extent, to the Polish ability to intercept orders from the Soviet headquarters and quickly relay the contents to the Polish field commanders. This victory sealed the importance of intelligence in the Polish Army at the highest level.

Автор - поляк, значит про великую историю и мировые достижения польской шифровальной службы д.б. обязательно. Но градус текста не важен. Важно, что успехи были.