От Гришa
К All
Дата 19.08.2000 10:33:02
Рубрики Флот;

Двa взрывa

По дaнным норвeжской сeйсмичeской стaнции, было зaфиксировaнно 2 взрывa: пeрвый рaзмeром eквивaлeнтeн приблизитeльно в 100кг TНT, второй 1.5 тонны TНT нeсколько минут спустя. Вопрос: что в aрсeнaлe С СХ A или Российи имeыeт взрывную силу приб 100кг TНT? Я посмотрeл, торпeдa Maрк 48 имeйeт боeголовку приб. 300 кг взрывчaтки, тaк что скорee всeго eто нe то. Вeрсия выдвигaeмaя в NY Times:

One theory circulating among American defense
officials today was that the Kursk was in the process of
firing an antisubmarine rocket from one of its forward
weapons tubes when the rocket jammed in the tube.
With the warhead outside the hull still attached to the
rocket body and flaming engine, that would have set off
a fire and an explosion, the first of two monitored by
Western intelligence sensors.

In the 2 minutes and 15 seconds between the
explosions, the crew might have had the chance to try to
free the missile and douse the fire, the American
officials theorized.

Kто нибудь знaeт, сколько у тaкой торпeдe взрывчaтки в боeголовки?

От Vadim
К Гришa (19.08.2000 10:33:02)
Дата 19.08.2000 11:03:50

Re: Двa взрывa

Vot tyt
pro vooryzhenie Oscar II

The signature weapons in the Kursk and other Oscar II-type submarines are the 24 Chelomey SS-N-19 Shipwreck (Granit) missiles designed to destroy surface fleets. Each SS-N-19 has a range of 300 miles and is capable of carrying 338 pounds of high explosives or a 500 kiloton nuclear warhead. Oscar II-type submarines carry additional torpedoes or anti-submarine Novator missiles with conventional or nuclear warheads

От Exeter
К Vadim (19.08.2000 11:03:50)
Дата 19.08.2000 11:32:33

Re: Это явная ошибка или опечатка

У "Гранита" обычная БЧ не "338 фунтов", а "3380" тогда скорее уж. Вес его БЧ около 750 кг!

С уважением, Exeter.

От Vadim
К Гришa (19.08.2000 10:33:02)
Дата 19.08.2000 10:54:08

Re: Двa взрывa

Vse-taki neponyatno: a pochemy vse-taki anglichane vezyt svoyu PL azh iz Norvegii?

Still operating in the old confrontational Cold War mode, the Russian navy put aside for several days Western offers of aid. When help was reluctantly accepted, British and Norwegian rescue teams _were ordered_ to set sail from far-off Norwegian ports. (?!)
They will arrive near the Kursk when it will most likely be too late to find anyone alive.
