От RuLavan
К DimKin
Дата 19.08.2008 15:34:18
Рубрики Танки; ВВС; Локальные конфликты; Политек;

А чего мелочиться? :-D

Замахиваться, так сразу на гражданскую аналитическую структуру, этакий think tank в интересах министерства обороны. Вон нас тут сколько, вумных :)))).

Врут, поди, как всегда...

От DimKin
К RuLavan (19.08.2008 15:34:18)
Дата 19.08.2008 15:40:32

А у нашего вероятного противника такое есть? (-)

От RuLavan
К DimKin (19.08.2008 15:40:32)
Дата 19.08.2008 15:46:54


При правительстве США целая стая таких структур пасётся, в основном как раз по обороне и безопасности

"Government think tanks are also important in the United States, particularly in the security and defense field. These include the Institute for National Strategic Studies, Institute for Homeland Security Studies, and the Center for Technology and National Security Policy, at the National Defense University; the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the Naval War College and the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College.

The government funds, wholly or in part, activities at approximately 30 Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). FFRDCs, are unique independent nonprofit entities sponsored and funded by the U.S. government to meet specific long-term technical needs that cannot be met by any other single organization. FFRDCs typically assist government agencies with scientific research and analysis, systems development, and systems acquisition. They bring together the expertise and outlook of government, industry, and academia to solve complex technical problems. These FFRDCs include the MITRE Corporation, the Institute for Defense Analyses, the Aerospace Corporation and others organizations supporting various departments within the U.S. Government.

Similar to the above quasi-governmental organizations are Federal Advisory Committees. These groups, sometimes referred to as commissions, are a form of think tank dedicated to advising the US Presidents or the Executive branch of government. They typically focus on a specific issue and as such, might be considered similar to special interest groups. However, unlike special interest groups these committees have come under some oversight regulation and are required to make formal records available to the public. Approximately 1,000 these advisory committees are described in the FACA searchable database."

Врут, поди, как всегда...