От Грозный
К bedal
Дата 10.08.2008 11:16:27
Рубрики Современность; Локальные конфликты;

Да, вероятнее всего - но есть и совсем

Ну вот это-то точно брит:

8 hr 40 min ago

The US have set the standard by invading Iraq, and soon Iran. They should have no qualms with what Russia is doing to protect its national interests.
Can anyone hazard a guess at how many Georgian troops are currently in Iraq, and how many Georgians have died in the Iraq conflict???

А вот тут прорезалась аналогия с Тибетом, констатация неудачи с ночным блицкригом и рассуждения "а что бы сделали штаты или любая другая страна на месте России" - с выводом "да то же самое, что и Россия":

This is just like Tibet and China. However, unlike China, Georgia has taken the step to make this a full-scale war while committing genocide. Comon... they began the attacks right at the start of the Olympics so the rest of the world would be too busy to notice a bunch of Ossetians being blown up, 1500 civilians on the first night to be exact... Civilians who had no way to defend themselves, nor could the 1000 Russian peacekeepers who are completely inadequate to defend against shelling, whom 20 were killed in as well.
Unfortunately for Georgia, they failed to take South Ossetia fast enough and set up there army into the sole chokepoint into the region (the north is one long mountain range, with one entry point from russia which leads into South Ossetia. Now, like any other fucking country in the world, Russia is pouring there army into the region to defend a region which should either be its own country or apart of Russia, and even if neither of that is true, you bet my ass that the USA, of all the countries in the world, would be the first to come to the defense of a helpless democratic region. Unfortunately for Russia, the US has been backed by Georgia in Iraq, and has helped Georgia build there military... and it doesn't help that the media loves to hate on Russia and so the american government will do what it can to please the american ignorance and help Georgia.


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