От Pout
К Роман Алымов
Дата 28.02.2008 21:37:05
Рубрики Прочее; Искусство и творчество;

крах СССР для их аналитиков модельный кейс

>>Как уже сказано, основная задача фильма и пояснений к нему – предостеречь компартию Китая, руководство страны от ошибок, допущенных КПСС и ее руководителями.
>******ИМХО китайская компартия давно уже превратилась в капиталлистическо-мафиозно-клановую структуру, с "принцами" и "комсомольцами", фактически сдавшую свой народ в аренду иностранному капиталлу (хотя и на выгодных условиях). Какие ошибки КПСС они могут повторить? КПСС хотя бы до конца оставалась более-менее коммунистической...

В рамках китайских стратегеческих концепций кейс краха СССР рассматривается как модельный со всех сторон разными научными китайскими авторами тыщу раз. Даже амеры в 2000 все это подсобрали и запротоколировали. По ссылке Пиллсбери

А усоски про такой-сякой-нетакой-несякой коммунистический-некоммунистический китай - это для политолухов, журналюг и ревизионистов от пикейножилетства.

Дело не в иделогии, не в политологии и даже не в "руководстве", а в "гос заказе" на большой продолжающийся цикл работ

В Китае десятки ин-тов за 25 лет создали и они работают "по теме". По темам стратегии страны ,которыми на Западе занимаются мозговые танки. Вот не знал, что у НОАК есть и профильный киноцентр при Ин-те искусств. Ну хорошо

http://www.answercentral.com/main/Record2?a=NR&url= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive+National+Power
Within Chinese political thought, the main goal of the Chinese state is to maximize China's CNP. The inclusion of economic factors and soft power measures within most CNP indices is intended to prevent China from making the mistake of the Soviet Union in overinvesting in the military at the expense of the civilian economy

Zhang predicts that the United States will try to set up an international no-fly zone as it did after the Gulf War. In a disguised manner, this would amount to "dismembering" Tibet and Xinjiang, the hub or pivot of China's geopolitical position. This is particularly dangerous because the Soviet collapse started with the independence of the Baltic states. A chain reaction from Tibet and Xinjiang would affect China's industrial southwest and cause the loss of the high plateau, which provides natural protection to the west. Zhang therefore recommends that China take the lead in settling the Afghan civil war (which he says the United States is prolonging through covert aid to the Taliban fundamentalists).

"China should do all that it can to warn and help these countries, and prevent them from being destroyed by the United States as the Soviet Eastern European bloc was. It must bring together the world antihegemonism force under the flag of fighting hegemonism."
According to General Li Jijun, one of China's most distinguished military authors and a former Vice President of AMS, the greater danger to a nation's survival is not warfare but zhanlue wudao--"strategic misdirection"--in the current multipolar world structure. General Li describes the United States as being particularly adept at this strategy, as powerful hegemons used to be.

According to Genera Li, the United States brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union with strategic misdirection. Washington deceptively stimulated the Soviets to increase their defense budget to great heights through various means, including the Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars"), which the United States had no intention of deploying, Li writes. The United States also supported the opposition in Poland and Afghanistan, drove down the price of oil to cut off the main source of Soviet foreign exchange, and exacerbated the domestic Soviet political crisis. In 1990, Washington again used strategic misdirection against Saddam Hussein, in order to contain his rising power in the Gulf. As supposedly revealed by an American author, Washington deliberately lured Saddam into invading Kuwait, in part through deliberately deceptive comments to Saddam by the U.S. Ambassador in Baghdad, to the effect that the United States did not care if he invaded Kuwait. General Li, comparing the strategic cultures of all the major powers, concludes that the preferred "strategic cultural" approach of the United States is strategic misdirection. Citing the lessons of history, General Li warns that "unconsciously accepting an opponent's strategic misdirection causes a nation to be defeated or collapse, and not know why."

General Li is not the only PLA officer to hold this view. Following the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in spring 1999, a Chinese journal interviewed several PLA generals about the attack; they stated that one reason for the United States to bomb the embassy was strategic misdirection. An article in the June issue of Zhongguo Pinglun concludes, "The Western forces are attempting to drag China into the mire of the arms race. The United States is planning to pursue a TMD [theatre missile defense] system . . . so that the Chinese will step into the shoes of the former Soviet Union. In an arms race with the United States, China will consume its national power, and collapse without a battle."

Don't debate. . . Once debate begins, things become complicated.

Deng Xiaoping



January 2000

National Defense University Press
Washington, DC


От А.Никольский
К Pout (28.02.2008 21:37:05)
Дата 28.02.2008 22:11:56

Re: крах СССР...

Вот не знал, что у НОАК есть и профильный киноцентр при Ин-те искусств. Ну хорошо
нельзя исключать, что это крыша для производства пиратских сидюков. В принципе у них там достаточно хаотично все организовано

С уважением, А.Никольский