От Palmach
К digger
Дата 04.11.2007 16:38:19
Рубрики WWII;

Re: Фашистская Германия....

>>Скажите, насколько была распространена продажа сумочек из кожи людей в Германии и неужели почти все продавцы и покупатели знали о материале, из которого изготовлялись сумочки?
> Вoпрoс прo вoлoсы из кoнцлaгерей. Иx тoчнo сoбирaли и врoде oтпрaвляли нa кaнaты для флoтa. Есть сведения кудa дoшли вoлoсы и чтo из ниx реaльнo сделaли?


От digger
К Palmach (04.11.2007 16:38:19)
Дата 05.11.2007 17:13:50

Re: Фашистская Германия....

Еще тaм пишут, чтo сбoр вoлoс у грaждaнaскoгo нaселения тoже был рaспрoстрaнен вo время вoйны.

-> http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/imt/tgmwc/tgmwc-20/tgmwc-20-195-08.shtml

Secret. SS-General Economical and Administrative Department, Department D., Concentration Camp, Oranienburg, 6th August, 1942. Copy Number 13. Re: Utilization of cut hair. To: Concentration Camp Kommandants." And then thirteen concentration camps are mentioned. I omit their names.
"The Chief of the Central Economical and Administrative Department of the SS, on the basis of a report submitted to him, orders that all human hair cut in concentration camps be appropriately utilised. Human hair is to be spun into industrial felt and yarn. Out of combed and cut hair of women, hair-yarn stockings for U-boat crews are to be made, as well as hair-felt stockings for employees of the Reich railways.

Therefore, I order that the hair of women prisoners after due disinfection be collected. Cut hair of male prisoners can only be utilised of at least twenty millimetres in length."

SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl, therefore, gave his consent that by way of experiment the hair of male prisoners should be cut only when it reached a length of twenty millimetres.

In order to avoid facilitating escape through the increase in length of hair, in all cases where the Kommandant finds it necessary to earmark the prisoners, a strip of hair should be clipped by means of a narrow clipper right over the middle of the head.

The hair gathered in all the camps will be utilised by creating a special production unit in one of the concentration camps.

More detailed instructions as to the delivery of stores of hair will be given separately.

Reports on amount of hair gathered each month, male and female recorded separately, must be submitted on the 5th of each month, beginning with 5th September, 1942.

Signed: Gluecks, SS-Brigadefuehrer and General Major of the Waffen SS."