От Corporal
К Гриша
Дата 31.08.2006 16:40:40
Рубрики Современность;

прикол -Закаев просит Совет Европы расследовать этот случай

утверждая в своем заявлении

"варварские деяния Кремлевских властей и их марионеток в Чечне являются прямым следствием терпимости и двойных стандартов со стороны западных лидеров по отношению к путинскому режиму"

и это после публичных казней и порок нарушителей шариата в Чечне в 1996-1999 гг.


GROZNY, Russia (AP) _ Self-exiled rebel envoy Akhmad Zakayev appealed to the Council of Europe, the continent's top human-rights body, on Wednesday to investigate cases of alleged abuses by Chechnya's local security force shown on video recordings that were published by The New York Times. The recordings show a woman alleged to be an adulteress being stripped, having her head shaved and painted and being kicked by men reportedly members of the region's Kremlin-backed prime minister, Ramzan Kadyrov's security force. They also show an allegedly adulterous couple being mocked publicly by men in police uniforms. "The barbaric acts of the Kremlin authorities and their marionettes in Chechnya are a direct consequence of tolerance and double standards regarding the Putin regime from the side of Western leaders," Zakayev said in the appeal. Western criticism of Russia's alleged abuses in Chechnya has been muted in recent years. The Kremlin, in turn, frequently responds to such criticism as reflecting double standards; Russian authorities say the fight against the Chechen insurgency should be considered as part of the international fight against terrorism.

От А.Никольский
К Corporal (31.08.2006 16:40:40)
Дата 31.08.2006 16:57:25

ну дык, интерес к нему угас, а тут целая NYT выступила (-)