От Serge Pod
К Alexei P
Дата 02.08.2000 23:53:01
Рубрики Прочее; Современность;

China's supercomputer(performing 384 billion floating-point calculations/sec)

Доброго здравия!
>Недавно прочитал сообщение: Китай разработал суперкомпьютер "Непобедимая мощь" с производительностью 384 оп/сек. Более никаких подробностей не сообщалось.

>В связи с этим у меня огромная просьба к общественности: если у кого-нибудь имеется более-менее подробная техническая информация о китайских суперкомпьютерах, китайском микроэлектронном производстве - поделитесь информацией, пожалуйста.

[From People's Daily Online]
Supercomputer Holds High Hopes After Trial Year

A supercomputer capable of performing
384 billion floating-point calculations per
second was put into operation Tuesday at
the Beijing High-Speed Computer
Application Center.

China is the third country, following the
United States and Japan, capable of manufacturing
such a supercomputer, said Zeng Peiyan, minister of the
State Development Planning Commission at the
opening ceremony.

Zeng made it clear that this supercomputer called
"Shenwei-I'' in Chinese ("invincible might'') ranks 48
among the world's existing top supercomputers under
business operation.

The establishment of the Beijing center has dramatically
enhanced China's capability of processing massive
scientific and technological data.

Remarkable achievements have already been made
during the one-year trial operation of the computer in
weather forecasting, human gene cloning, image
formation of earthquakes and oil exploration.

While helping to develop practical, large-scale
application software, "the supercomputer is playing an
increasing role in pushing forwards the national
economy as 60 per cent of its major systems are widely
used by Chinese scientists today,'' Zeng said.

According to centre officials, the supercomputer has
already opened up to many other Chinese users.

Systems of the Shenwei-I include mainframes, leading
ends, disk arrays and software with a high memory main
storage and disk array, distributed and concurrent
operation systems compatible to industrial standards,
calculating software databases and many other
advanced designs, experts say.

Shenwei-I is a major achievement in Chinese research,
manufacturing and application of supercomputers as
major technological targets, say experts. Shenwei-I
functions have reached the world's most advanced

By November, another high-speed supercomputer
center is scheduled to begin operation in Shanghai, the
largest commercial city of China, Zeng said.

People's Daily Online ---

>С уважением,
С уважением, Serge Pod. http://airbase.uka.ru

От Alexei P
К Serge Pod (02.08.2000 23:53:01)
Дата 04.08.2000 11:11:07

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