От makienko
К All
Дата 24.08.2005 16:13:30
Рубрики Современность; ВВС; Политек;

Кто был на МАКСе: этот девайс от Sagem был выставлен в павильоне Сухого?

Индия и Франция ведут переговоры об интеграции высокоточного оружия воздух-земля AASM на Су-30МКИ и МиГ-29, система разрабатывается для ВВС Франции, поставки для французов начнутся в конце 2006 или начале 2007 года, заказано 3000 единиц. Эта система станет второй нероссийской системой оружия после израильской Попай, которая интегрируется на Су-30МКИ.Сажем также пытается добиться интеграции своего оборудования на Су-35БМ (так в тексте), хотя ВВС РФ запрещают интеграцию нероссийских систем на свои самолеты.

05-08-21 India - France and India Discuss Missiles for Indian Fighter Aircraft
Source : Aviation Week & Space Technology

France and India are discussing the integration of modular air-to-surface weapons on the Indian air force's Sukhoi Su-30MKI and MiG-29 fighter aircraft.

Sagem Defense and Security, part of the Safran Group, is discussing an agreement with India covering the Armament Air-Sol-Modulaire (AASM) range of precision-guided weapons now in development for the French air force.

A Sagem official says the company has been in talks with India for a "few months" concerning a possible AASM purchase. The French company already provides some avionics systems for India's Su-30MKIs.

Were a deal to be struck, it would not be the first time for India to integrate a foreign weapon on its Su-30MKI. New Delhi has already selected a version of the Israeli Rafael Popeye medium-range air-to-surface missile. Indian interest in the AASM also underscores a gap in Russia's own weapons inventory, which has no comparable system.

The Su-30MKI likely would carry six AASM weapons on two triple-store launchers. The MiG-29 would be fitted with 4-6 rounds. Russia would qualify the weapon, with the Ahktubinsk test center a candidate for firing trials.

Several guidance options eventually will be available for the AASM including radar and imaging infrared seekers. All variants would use an inertial measurement unit coupled with GPS, with one low-cost version using only an IMU/GPS package. The French air force is slated to start taking delivery of the first batch of AASMs in late 2006 or early 2007. It has placed an initial order for 3,000.

The AASM has a range of up to 50 km. using a high-altitude launch, with a fly-out range of 15 km. from a low-altitude release. Wing-kit and solid rocket motor range extension options are also in the pipeline. While the basic AASM kit is for a 500-lb. bomb, it could be comparatively easily modified for either 1,000- or 250-lb. munitions.

Sagem also wants to sell avionics systems for Russian platforms. The air force presently prohibits its aircraft from being fitted with non-Russian-sourced systems. Sagem, however, is trying to see if there is an opportunity to provide some kit for Sukhoi's proposed Su-35BM development of the Flanker design. This would be a new-build aircraft offered for both the Russian air force and export.

От Said Aminov
К makienko (24.08.2005 16:13:30)
Дата 24.08.2005 17:33:30

вот он и был именно он там

Уважаемые коллеги!

С уважением, Саид / Вестник ПВО (
http://pvo.guns.ru )

От makienko
К Said Aminov (24.08.2005 17:33:30)
Дата 24.08.2005 17:53:38

Спасибо (-)

К makienko (24.08.2005 16:13:30)
Дата 24.08.2005 16:46:25

А почему на МиГ-29?

А не на Мираж-2000 или на лицензионном Ягуаре?

С уважением, Виталий.

От makienko
К PQ (24.08.2005 16:46:25)
Дата 24.08.2005 17:55:20

А на лажицу про МиГ-29 это похоже. И про Попай на Су-30МКИ впервые слышу (-)