От Exeter
К Кирасир
Дата 26.06.2005 22:13:34
Рубрики Современность; Армия; Артиллерия;

Строго говоря...

...Уважаемый Кирасир, в тексте написано не про кабину, а про расчет из четырех человек - так что может быть часть расчета действительно за машиной вприпрыжку бегает :-))


Belarus upgrades BM-21 rocket launcher

The Belarus Army has upgraded the Russian BM-21 40-round 122 mm multiple rocket launch vehicle to create the new BM-21-A1 Belgrad system. This retains the existing 40-tube launcher but mounts it on a new Belarus-made MAZ-6317-05 off-road truck chassis. (The original system used a Ural-375D vehicle.)

The MAZ vehicle has a longer and more powerful chassis that is able to carry the launcher and two packs of 40 rockets, giving a total of 80 rounds. The reloading time is no more than five minutes. The maximum firing range is 21 km.

Mounted within the cabin is the console of a rocket artillery automated control system designed by the GNPO AGAT company. The vehicle has a crew of four - commander, sight operator, loader and driver-loader. Single-round or salvo rocket fire can be controlled from within the cabin, giving a rapid into-action time from unprepared firing sites, or via a remote-control unit located up to 60 m from the vehicle.
The maximum launcher elevation is 50° and the traverse covers a total of 175°. Hydraulically operated support jacks provide stability when the vehicle is firing.

The MAZ-6317-05 is powered by a 196 kW engine, giving a maximum road speed of 85 km/h. The entire system weighs 11 tons and the fuel consumption of the fully loaded vehicle is 50 litres per 100 km. This gives a maximum road range of 800 km.

The new BM-21-A1 Belgrad system was demonstrated at the 227th proving ground of the Belarus Armed Forces in Borisovo.

С уважением, Exeter