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К Sergey Karpov Ответить по почте
Дата 08.06.2005 22:55:00 Найти в дереве
Рубрики ВВС; Версия для печати

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>A regional power with robust integrated air defenses, ballistic/cruise missiles, and WMD capabilities has attacked a U.S. ally. Nearby countries refuse basing rights to U.S. forces, and the closest secure bases are thousands of miles distant. Today, such challenges would prove highly stressing, but J-UCAS will thrive in this environment, underwriting a rapid and decisive joint response to the aggression.

>In this scenario, on-scene joint battle management/command and control (JBMC2) aircraft task land and sea-based UCAVs, networked with other joint sensors and shooters, to detect, track and identify enemy air defenses, missile launchers, C2 nodes, and WMD sites. JBMC2 aircraft prioritize targets and assign them to persistently orbiting UCAVs. The J-UCAS’ flexible payload enables battle managers to match the right weapon to each target, while its onboard sensors update the targeting picture through weapon release and damage assessment.

>From the first hours of the conflict, ultra-long endurance J-UCASs hold the entire battlespace perpetually at risk, responding to emergent targets and denying the enemy the sanctuary of strategic depth. J-UCAS attacks on enemy anti-access systems "open the door" for the safe and timely deployment of follow-on joint and coalition forces for swift and decisive defeat of the enemy.

Собственно, данная цитата четко разъясняет, что ни для каких стратегических задач эти БПЛа применять не планируется.

>Кто по вашему подходит на роль A regional power with robust integrated air defenses, ballistic/cruise missiles, and WMD capabilities, и кто на U.S. ally, на которого первый так и хочет напасть (под предлогом ущемления прав меньшинств, например) ?

Вот эти самые "regional power" и подходят - Иран, Ирак, КНДР и прочие. Чтобы РФ так характеризовать пиндосы еще не докатились. И задачи нанесения контрсилового удара ядерными БЧ по объектам ядерной державы там не ставится.

С уважением, Exeter