Четырехколесный броневик с пулеметной башней, гранатометом, многослойной броней и толстым дном на замену Хамви.
Похоже, собираются воевать там долго и счастливо.
SLIDELL, La. (AP) -- The Army is ordering 724 more armored vehicles from Textron Marine and Land Systems next month for use by American troops and security forces, primarily for the war in Iraq, company officials say.
With the four-wheeled armored security vehicles going for about $700,000 each, the order will be worth as much as $507 million to the company, Textron officials said Friday.
Congress recently authorized the spending for the additional M1117 Guardian armored security vehicles.
The 29,560-pound vehicle has a skin of steel, ceramic and fiberglass that protects riders from machine-gun fire, shrapnel from overhead artillery shell blasts and explosions from roadside mines.
The ASVs have a rotating machine-gun turret, grenade launcher and thick armored undercarriage. They have become increasingly popular with Army and Iraqi security forces compared with the lighter, more vulnerable Humvees.