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Дата 03.05.2005 20:39:13 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Танки; Версия для печати

Еще к вопросу о китайском ТУРе

JDW последний пишет, что в их колесном чуде со 105 мм- пушкой ПТУР, базирующийся на российской конструкции.

The Assaulter is essentially a modified NORINCO WZ 551B-series chassis fitted with a new three-person turret armed with a low-recoil 105 mm rifled tank gun, that features a thermal sleeve, fume extractor and muzzle brake.

The 105 mm gun fires standard NATO ammunition types, including armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot, high explosive and high explosive anti-tank (HEAT). It can also fire a NORINCO laser-guided anti-tank missile out to a range of 5,000 m. This is fitted with a tandem HEAT warhead that will neutralise explosive reactive armour of a main battle tank and penetrate the main armour.

The NORINCO 105 mm laser-guided projectile is based on a Russian design and can be fired from any 105 mm rifled tank gun provided that it has a modified fire-control system that includes the laser-guidance channel as fitted to the Assaulter. According to NORINCO, the 105 mm gun has a high first-round hit probability against stationary and moving targets.