>Так или иначе, Пентагон, очевидно, для поднятия престижа, заявил, что разведывательные полеты в международных водах возле острова Хайнань возобновятся.
Maло того, они и нe прeкрaщaлись:
This source added that last week, at the height of the tense, high-stakes
standoff between China and the United States over the April 1 collision
between an EP-3E Navy spy plane and an F-8 Chinese fighter, the U.S.
Department of Defense had sent another electronic intelligence plane on a
mission along the China coast.
According to John Pike, weapons expert for GlobalSecurity.org, an Alexandra, Va.-based think tank, the spy plane was not "definitely not an (Navy) Aries (EP-3E)," but either an Air Force Rivet Joint flight (EP-135) or Navy P-3 Orion anti-submarine aircraft.
... Pike said U.S. intelligence officials had told him that an (another) Aires flight was due to be sent soon.
U.S. intelligence officials told United Press International that a multi-billion dollar U.S. intelligence operation is flying the same number
of intelligence-gathering planes as were flown "at the height of the Cold War,"...
A chartered Continental Airlines Boeing 737 carrying the 24 crew members of a U.S. spy plane takes off from Haikou International Airport early Thursday.