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Дата 21.12.2004 13:41:48 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Танки; Версия для печати

Отечественный БММП ! Боевая Машина Морской Пехоты

Встретил тоже недавно. Видно невооруженный глазом , что БМП-3(шасси)+БМП-2(башня)= БММП Боевая Машина Морской Пехоты
Конить имеет другую мультемидийную инфу или знает что-то большее ?

The BMMP [Lit; Boyevaya Mashina Morskoj Pekhoty or Combat Vehicle for Marine Infantry] Marines Fighting Vehicle (MFV) comprises the chassis of the BMP-3 ICV and a modified turret from the earlier BMP-2. It is armed with a 30mm cannon, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. Additionally, a 7.62mm machine gun is positioned either side of the bow as in the standard BMP-3 ICV.

The vehicle has a combat weight of 18.15 tons and is lighter than the BMP-3 which gives it improved floatability and stability. It is propelled in the water by two water jets at the rear of the hull and has sufficient fuel to remain afloat for up to seven hours at a maximum speed in the water of 10kph. It can operate in Sea State 3 and fire its main and secondary armament in Sea State 2.