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Дата 23.12.2004 07:03:35 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Военные игры; Версия для печати

Re: А Вы...

Вот цитата из мануала :)
XP - Slow MSDOS Mouse

Some users complain about a very slow mouse in DOS windows (and games and other applications) under Windows XP.

I had this problem with the mouse with the initial set-up of XP as delivered.

In this case - the Microsoft IntelliMouse software had not been installed. Simply installing that and setting the mouse speed to maximum gave me a speed increase of 4 or 5 times wheninside the game. Still not very good. (My Windows 98 machine has a Logitech mouse and the mouse control for this has settings for mouse acceleration - but the Microsoft Intellimouse 4 software does not. Unfortunately my copy of the Logitech driver CD was too well hidden to find and install it on the XP box for test ).

I therefore proceeded on to installation of mousectrl.com (which can be found at the sandbox site link above).

I will assume here that you know how to use Windows explorer, how to set it up to show file extensions, and how to set it up to show hidden or system files - if not, it is explained in your windows help, type "hidden extension" into the help search in XP.

1) download the mousectl.com software from here http://www.manyhighways.com/sandbox and extract from the zip file to say your Windows folder, or c:\

2) find the file autoexec.nt (usually in your Windows/System32 folder - however check your shortcut that you made in the above section - check the program tab, Advanced button, and check the Autoexec Filename item) and modify it as follows (remember to use a text editor like notepad!)

At the very end of the file, add the following lines

REM - Speed up the mouse in an acceleration curve

lh c:\mousectl 6,7,8,9,10,10,12,15

The 8 settings govern mouse acceleration 'curve' - you may want to experiment with these values. Start with lower numbers on the left hand side, growing to higher ones. 10 seems to be 100% mouse speed, 50 is half, 15 is 150%. Experiment till you get the mouse moving the way you like it, for example 6,6,6,10,15,20,25,30 would have the mouse move at the same speed for some time, then ramp up rather fast as it passes threshold number 3. 5,6,10,15,15,15,15,15 would ramp up fast, then remain flat.

(Note that the naming of the file as autoexec.nt tells you something about the XP operating system's origins - i.e. Windows NT )

Если по русски и коротко то делается это так:
в нете ищется и качается mousectl.com,
кидается в корень диска С.
В файл autoexec.nt который лежит Windows/System32 добавляются две строчки:
REM - Speed up the mouse in an acceleration curve

lh c:\mousectl 6,7,8,9,10,10,12,15

Цифры это переменные скорости мыши.
Файл открывать блокнотом.
Если всё сделано правильно то во всех досовских приложениях будет выставленая скорость мыши.
Всё вышенаписаное относится только к системам на базе NT то есть 2000,ХР и етс.
Как вариант