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Дата 02.04.2001 23:40:56 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Флот; ВВС; Версия для печати

Катастрофы авианосных самолетов США. Ч.2 Фотографии большие!!!!!!

Выкладываю, как обещал раньше, фотографии по катастрофам авианосных самолетов США. Комментарии к фотографиям - из фотоальбома.

An F4U Corsair in flames after a deck impact on the USS Sicily. Note that the left underwing pylon is empty/ The pylons are designed to carry either 1000 pound bombs or 154 gallon drop tanks.

This F9F Panther turns sea water into steam as it struggles to gain altitude after a failed barricaded arrestment/ The pilot was rescued.

A TBM Avenger rips though the arresting wires, losing its landing gear. During WWII, this aircraft saw extensive duty in the Pacific.

An AD Skyraider has come to rest shot of the island after impacting a gun turret on landing. The wing separated at the wing root. The AD’s wingspan was actually one the Navy s widest-50 feet.

An F4U Corsair busts into flames upon landing aboard the USS Coral Sea. Despite the ensuing fire, the pilot escapes without injury. As soon as the fire is extinguished, it is pushed over the side, a common practice for aircraft that cannot be repaired at sea.

An AD Skyraider loses power on takeoff from the USS Boxer, July 1953. The pilot was uninjured.

Neatly severed forward of the tail section it this F6F Hellcat. A brilliant fighting career during WWII earned this model the respect of the pilots that flew her – and over 5000 enemy kills. In this 1951 mishap aboard the USS Princeton. A fuselage failure has occurred during arrestment. Note that tailhook has engaged a wire.

С уважением, ID