We'll talk in the morning (no Russian keyboard at home) (+)
For now:
Dear X-55:
I'm pleased to learn that my "original" thoughts about you were correct. I mean you obviously striving to pick a fight with me (I have figured it out some time ago). OK, you are welcome!
However, speaking frankly, it does not make much sense: as far as I'm aware I live here at least twice as long as you are. And I'm definitely older than you. And, finally, I still remember that just 5 years ago I used to think exactly like you are thinking now....
I'm not implying anything - just stating some facts. I perfectly understand that you got some urge to "prove" something to me (you know what I mean). - Sorry, I do not have such urges: I guess I'm just getting too old for such games of primate males. So, please, just live your life in piece: if I'll meet you in person, or on line, let's say, 5-10 years from now - I'll probably ask you what you think. But - not now. Your message TITLE says it all (about YOU), unfortunately....