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Дата 17.05.2004 14:42:28 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Версия для печати

Чешский Агропласт - все как в анекдоте


сабж ... Не уральский Металлист, а чешский Агропласт, не в Северную Корею, а в Индию :))

Краткое содержание:

судят двух руководителей чешской фирмы Агропласт, которая по обвинениям «нелегально продавала»
какие-то системы ПВО (типа аж С-300) и «десятки танков» в Иран, 40 МиГ-21 (6 в разобранном виде были перехвачены азербайджанцами) в КНДР

В общем бардак какой-то с этими историями – пять лет прошло, а яснее не стало ни на йоту

CTK National News Wire May 12, 2004

LIBEREC, North Bohemia, May 12 ; (PVR)

'Czech court weapons Agroplast'

Two former managers of the Agroplast firm, Petr Pernicka and Zbynek Svejnoha, may be sent up to eight years in prison for illegal arms trading, but the trial which was to start on May 13, was adjourned till May 24 today, the judge told CTK.

"I have to study new evidence I received recently," he said. According to the prosecution, Agroplast dealt in arms without licence and permit in 1994 to 1999. However, the indictment only mentions one illegal deal in which the company exported an anti- missile system for 70 million dollars.

The state attorney has said that it was bought by a firm represented by one South Korean man.

Further deals with an anti-aircraft complex worth 5.5 million dollars and four aircraft engines did not materialise.

The deal with six MiG-21s combat aircraft for 840,000 dollars was frustrated by Azerbaijan authorities. The case leaked to the public when they seized a Ruslan cargo plane with the Mig-21s in March 1999 with Svejnoha on board.

According to the information of the Azerbaijan National Security Ministry, along with the Migs, taken to pieces, Ruslan also carried canons, equipment for launching of rockets and bombs and further military equipment. There was the suspicion that the military equipment had North Korea as its destination.

"It is absolute nonsense. These were spare parts, to be sent to India. We received a licence for the export," Svejnoha said.

For the suspicion of the sale of 40 MiG-21s to North Korea, the USA imposed an embargo on Agroplast.

The U.S. secret services also examined Agroplast's possible contacts to the deliveries of anti-aircraft systems and spare parts for fighters in Iran.

The BIS counter-intelligence has found that one of the most important international groups of gun smugglers operated in the Czech Republic with Agroplast as a mediator, Mlada fronta Dnes wrote in the early 2000s.

The Czech dealers allegedly exported to Iran alone several dozen tanks and S-300 rocket systems worth hundreds of million dollars. The people from the Liberec firm, too, were involved, MfD was told by a source from the BIS.

Pernicka, now based in Virgin Islands, and Svejnoha, residing in the Czech Republic, deny all the accusations.

C уважением, Марат