Михаил Лукин
12.07.2000 17:39:31
Современность; Флот;
ВМС США беззащитны перед ракетным ударом (+)
Впервые, кстати, прочел об удачной атаке иранским "Экзосетом" американского фрегата "Старк".
И про количество новых ракет любопытно.
Navy ships vulnerable to cruise missile attacks, report says
Associated Press Writer=
WASHINGTON (AP) _ Most U.S. Navy ships do not have adequate protection against deadly cruise missiles, a U.S. congressional office warns in a report.
Several ship classes, like frigates and fast combat support ships, which distribute supplies, are still not well-protected, according to the General Accounting Office.
The report Tuesday also cited inadequate funding and maintenance. It said the SLQ-32 electronic self-defense system, for example, is 30 years old and the Navy expects to have versions of it on its ships for another 10-20 years. While some newer systems exist, the Navy lacks the funds to replace the older units.
The agency used Navy estimates in its report, but auditors say that even those estimates are optimistic and assume perfect weather, a swift flow of supplies and top crew and equipment performance.
The report also warned that many new cruise missile types will reach operational status earlier than expected. Federal auditors listed eight new missile classes made by foreign powers that will become available by 2005, and two more coming after that. The Russian Yakhont missile, for example, will have a range of approximately 185 miles (300 kilometers) and travel at supersonic speeds.
These new missiles are faster, stealthier, and can fly at lower altitudes than the type that hit the Perry-class frigate USS Stark in 1987, killing 37 sailors. That Iranian-fired missile was an Exocet, made by France, which is expected to release a new version of that has an increased range of 45 miles (72 kilometers).