08.01.2004 15:59:16
>> Армия вынесла один треножник, а один броненосец "Thunderchild" - троих.
>Он не броненосец. Он торпедно-канонерская лодка (есть перевод "миноносец", но тогда "береговой обороны" :)
Разве? Позволю себе поцитировать:
" About a couple of miles out lay an ironclad, very low in the water, almost, to my brother's perception, like a water-logged ship. This was the ram THUNDER CHILD. It was the only warship in sight, but far away to the right over the smooth surface of the sea--for that day there was a dead calm--lay a serpent of black smoke to mark the next ironclads of the Channel Fleet, which hovered in an extended line, steam up and ready for action, across the Thames estuary during the course of the Martian conquest, vigilant and yet powerless to prevent it."
"When his eyes were clear again he saw the monster had passed and was rushing landward. Big iron upperworks rose out of this headlong structure, and from that twin funnels projected and spat a smoking blast shot with fire. It was the torpedo ram, THUNDER CHILD, steaming headlong, coming to the rescue of the threatened shipping."
"Keeping his footing on the heaving deck by clutching the bulwarks,
my brother looked past this charging leviathan at the Martians again, and he saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their tripod supports were almost entirely submerged."
То есть "Thunder Child" был "ram" или "torpedo ram". Я, честно говоря, теряюсь в догадках, что это такое. Для миноносца термин "leviathan" как-то чересчур...
А броненосцем я его посчитал благодаря явно вот этому:

Это обложка компакта с музыкальной версией, где явно виден броненосец. ;)
- Re: Уэллс - СанитарЖеня 08.01.2004 16:16:29 (175, 1783 b)
- Re: Уэллс - doctor64 08.01.2004 16:19:51 (164, 661 b)