Какие угодно. Не "источник" а источники. Во первых официяльные кубинские. Например, воспоминания Генералов Лопез Куба, Рафаэл Морасен и Педро Перез в книге "Secretos de Generales", Habana 1996. Статьи про этой книге в России вышли среды прочего в Комсомольской Правде 02.04.1997г. и Столичная 23.06.1997, или воспоминания Полковника Висенте Диас в газете Гранма в октябре 1998г.
Во вторых израйлькие и американские.
Даже Моше Даян (выбший Начальник Генштаба Цахала) пишет в своих мемуарах об этом:
Moshe Dayan. 1976. Story of My Life,
William Morrow and Company, Inc. New York
Также статя в американским военныом журнале:
The Syrian Tank Battalion, J. Bermudez Jr, ARMOR Magazine, November
December 1984
Или такое сообщение из американо-кубинского сайта:
"Castro's Presence in the Middle East
In addition to training foreign guerrillas in Cuba, Castro has sent troops and advisers to the Middle East: South Yemen, Lebanon and Syria. Soviet-trained Cuban armored forces using Yemen as a base provide the potential for effective military intervention on the Arabian peninsula. (22)
In 1978, The Economist published two articles in its "Foreign Report" which detailed the Cuban presence in Syria as beginning just after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. According to this account, the Soviets had promised to help Syria during a war with Israel, and Syria held them to that promise in order to begin the war of attrition that lasted from February until May of 1974. Cuban tank crews fought alongside the Syrians, according to the "Foreign Report," and suffered 180 dead and 250 wounded. In March of the following year the Cubans were flown to Angola. (23) While some analysts doubt that Cubans fought in Syria, few deny they were present.
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said in a television interview in the United States on March 31, 1974, that 3,000 Cuban troops were deployed in Syria as part of the Soviet military build-up, but lack of press coverage allowed that issue to fade. (24)
However, Fidel Castro himself confirmed it in a speech at the closing session of the First Congress of the Partido Socialista Popular (PSP) [as Cuba's Communist Party was known then] on December 22, 1975, when he said, "...it is no secret to anyone that at any given moment of danger and threat to the Republic of Syria, our men were in Syria." (25)
And again, in 1978, Castro told the Italian weekly Epoca that Cuba had sent equipment, doctors and soldiers to aid Syria in its last conflict with Israel. (26)
The Cubans were also directly involved with the PLO in Lebanon. In mid-1976, according to The Economist "Foreign Report," the Israelis spotted a small group of Cuban officers assigned to prepare the ground in southern Lebanon in advance of a larger force.
From april 19 to May 9, 1978, the newspapers The Times (London), the Al Anba's (Kuwait), and the Rheinischer Merkur (West Germany) reported that Cuban advisers were at PLO bases in Southern Lebanon following a meeting between PLO leader George Habash and Fidel Castro. (27)
The Cuban presence was further confirmed in 1982 when the Israelis found, in southern Lebanon, such papers as a "muy secreto" ("very secret") Cuban training manual detailing how to conduct military operations, including blowing-up high-power electric transformers and railway stations. (28)..."
Про кубинские потеры это конечно неправда. Дуэли были на большом расстоянии и мелькими группами, и каждая сторона несла незначительние потеры (кубинцы ни одного погибшего, только несколько раненых и 2 подбитих танка. Израйльтяне наверное сопоставимие потеры).