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К Михаил Денисов Ответить по почте
Дата 28.07.2003 18:47:12 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; 11-19 век; Версия для печати

Re: Лучше отвечу...

Имхо тут немного сложнее.

In William Hope’s 1707 New Method (on the "Art of the Broad and Small sword"), he offers a passage on the names of different kinds of sword blades:

"There are different kinds of Sword-Blades, some whereof are only for Thrusting, such as the Rapier, Koningsberg, and Narrow Three-Cornered Blade, which is the most proper Walking-Sword of all the Three, being by far the lightest; Others again are chiefly for the Blow, or Striking, such as the Symiter, Sabre, and Double-edged Highland Broadsword; and there is a Third Sort, which is both for Striking & Thrusting, such as the Broad Three-Cornered Blade, the Sheering-Sword with two Edges, but not quit so Broad as the aforementn’d Highland Broad Sword; and the English Back-Sword with a thick back , & only one good sharp Edge, & which with a good point, & close Hilt, is in my Opinion the most proper Sword of them all for the Wars, either a Foot or Horse-back." (p. 200, Chapter VII).

Так вот "Highland Broad Sword" это то, к чему перетекло название "клеймор" - то есть "обоюдоострый палаш [с корзиной]", а "English Back-Sword" [с корзиной] это "настоящий" палаш ИМХО, то есть как бы удлиннённый тесак который только к концу имеет (если вообще имеет) обоюдоострую заточку.

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