28.07.2003 03:38:30
Современность; Флот;
Re: однако местное...
>Интересно. А подробнее?
Damage control, traditionally a U.S. Navy forte, has been pursued with fanaticism in the Arleigh Burke. After 37 sailors died when an Exocet slammed into the frigate Stark in the Persian Gulf five years ago, the Navy reconsidered many of its design policies. One was a shift away from lightweight aluminum superstructures. Only the Arleigh Burke's funnels are made of aluminum. All vital areas are protected by at least two layers of steel, augmented by 70 tons of strategically placed kevlar armor.
As the US Navy's newest class of destroyers, Arleigh Burke class Guided Missile Destroyers are considered to be their most survivable surface combatant. The Arleigh Burke class has an all steel hull with extensive armor and kevlar plating covering sensitive areas of the ship. The Arleigh Burk was also the first ship to use shaping techniques to reduce the radar signature of the hull which reduces thier detectablity.
С уважением, Mike.