>>Фигня. Вы не видали в Дор.патруле ни разу, как выглядит сгоревшая с водилой легковушка?
>Видел в жизни.
>>Причем здесь "бушующий среди машин огонь", когда сама машина, особенно военная, везет на себе достаточно огня чтобы водил превратить не просто в мумии а в копоть на стенках.
>Э, нет, воля ваша, не соглашусь. Я, конечно, небольшой спец в войне (слава богу, сам не воевал), однако просто разбомбленные колонны в кинохрониках видел. В данном случае ее не просто разбомбили, а выжгли напрочь.
>Ох, тяжело цитировать...
>"There for 60 miles every vehicle was strafed or bombed, every windshield is shattered, every tank is burned, every truck is riddled with shell fragments. No survivors are known or likely.
>The cabs of trucks were bombed so much that they were pushed into the ground, and it's impossible to see if they contain drivers or not. Windshields were melted away, and huge tanks were reduced to shrapnel."
Знакомая картина -- прям перед глазами стоит. Шатойская трасса чуть южнее Грозного, февраль 1995 г. И обстоятельства схожие. И мирных с семьями было полно.
Не подумайте ничего плохого, но сдается мне, что по другому на войне и не бывает. Особенно когда тебе кажется, что победа близка.
>Это так часто при бомбежках случается?
>Кроме того, хи-хи, колонну лишь с натяжкой можно назвать военной, поскольку в основном она везла награбленное барахлишко (это я насчет "особенно военная").
>>В таком случае вся 6-дневная война была резней с начала и до конца. Сказать на это можно одно - не нужно было Саддаму соваться играть в Высшей лиге, там крутые ребята играют.
>А я не говорю о самой войне!!!
>Какая уж тут была война:
>"The victims were not offering resistance. They weren't being driven back in fierce battle, or trying to regroup to join another battle. They were just sitting ducks, according to Commander Frank Swiggert, the Ranger Bomb Squadron leader. According to an article in the March 11, 1991 Washington Post, headlined "U.S. Scrambles to Shape View of Highway of Death," the U.S. government then conspired and in fact did all it could to hide this war crime from the people of this country and the world. What the U.S. government did became the focus of the public relations campaign managed by the U.S. Central Command in Riyad, according to that same issue of the Washington Post. The typical line has been that the convoys were engaged in "classic tank battles," as if to suggest that Iraqi troops tried to fight back or even had a chance of fighting back. The truth is that it was simply a one-sided massacre of tens of thousands of people who had no ability to fight back or defend themselves"
>Насчет "соразмерности применения силы", хе-хе:
>"The massacre of withdrawing Iraqi soldiers violates the Geneva Conventions of 1949, Common Article III, which outlaws the killing of soldiers who are out of combat. The point of contention involves the Bush administration's claim that the Iraqi troops were retreating to regroup and fight again. Such a claim is the only way that the massacre which occurred could be considered legal under international law. But in fact the claim is false and obviously so. The troops were withdrawing and removing themselves from combat under direct orders from Baghdad that the war was over and that Iraq had quit and would fully comply with UN resolutions. To attack the soldiers returning home under these circumstances is a war crime."
>Вот я и интересуюсь, а есть ли такая статья, и как она звучит?
>А как вам этот пассаж:
>"Iraq accepted UN Resolution 660 and offered to withdraw from Kuwait through Soviet mediation on February 21, 1991. A statement made by George Bush on February 27, 1991, that no quarter would be given to remaining Iraqi soldiers violates even the U.S. Field Manual of 1956. The 1907 Hague Convention governing land warfare also makes it illegal to declare that no quarter will be given to withdrawing soldiers. On February 26,199 I, the following dispatch was filed from the deck of the U.S.S. Ranger, under the byline of Randall Richard of the Providence Journal:
>Air strikes against Iraqi troops retreating from Kuwait were being launched so feverishly from this carrier today that pilots said they took whatever bombs happened to be closest to the flight deck. The crews, working to the strains of the Lone Ranger theme, often passed up the projectile of choice . . . because it took too long to load."
>Особенно насчет нарушения полевого устава амов...
>Во всяком случае, сами амеры так уж открыто этим эпизодом не гордятся. Иное дело в барах под рюмку: