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Дата 27.03.2003 01:51:07 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Версия для печати

Американские и британские солдаты стойко переносят трудности

US Marines from the 2nd batallion, 8th Marine wake up in a mud field after heavy sand storms early in the morning, 26 March 2003, in Nasiriyah, about 300kms south of Baghdad. US marine artillery gunners pounded Iraqi positions north of Nasiriyah, as US forces regrouped for a trek north to Baghdad after three days of brutal fighting in the area. EPA PHOTO/AFP/ERIC FEFERBERG

Soldiers of the US 16 Air Assault Brigade - 3 Army Air Corps - in Southern Iraq, Tuesday 25 March 2003, patrolling the deserts around the oil fields of North Ramala in a sandstorm. EPA PHOTO /PA/MOD POOL/IAN JONES