Роман Алымов
25.03.2003 17:36:11
Ремонтная бригада;
К вопросу о БП Pz 38(t) (+)
Доброе время суток!
Вот что мне написал человек по поводу заправки бортовых передач 38т маслом:
Hi, this is C.G.Erickson...On Tanknet you asked if anyone knew how to fill the final drives on a Pz38.....If you found the oil drain plug for the final drive...then you have also found the oil fill pipe...
If you examine the oil drain, you will see a plug within a second pipe fitting...If you pull the small plug, the second fitting will stay in the final drive housing...This second fitting has a short pipe welded to it that rises up inside the final drive housing....This is the oil fill pipe
Place a small hose into the second fitting until it passes above the pipe and into the final drive oil reservoir... pump the oil through the hose until its level allows oil to pour out of the fill plug opening...The pipe going up into the housing is also the oil level...so when full, the oil will overflow into the pipe and will tell you when the oil reservoir is full..by spilling down the pipe and out of the fill plug opening....
To drain the Final Drive Housings...Just remove the second larger fitting...This is the drain
Regards C.G.
С уважением, Роман