13.03.2003 20:02:59
Современность; Армия;
Короче, дело было так
>Тут были разные фото танков и в разных видов но такого по моему еще не было.
>Это же надо так уметь!
Для тех кто читает по англицки оригинал (мой вольный перевод ниже):
These are some photos i dug up of an M-1 that flipped on a training exercise we had in Yakima WA 2 yrs or so ago. When I got there it was about 0300 so i was a little confused as to what happened but from what the commander said they had been tracking a tank through the thermals and the driver couldn't see jack sqwat. So anyway the commander was "tracking" a tank that he was about to fire on and the ground gave way beneath the tank. They were skirting a "waddie" which is a dry river bed droppoff and they did not know it due to the tall grass in the area that obscurred thier vision. When we got there it was crazy. A bunch of vehicles pulled up and we all got out thinking the worst. When we approached the drivers hatch we were surprised to see that the driver had got out of the vehicle already! he was pacing around in shock! So the hatch was open but upside down so we yelled up through the hatch at the guys in the turret. We yelled something like "hey fellas....hows it going in there?" in hopes that noone was hurt. They yelled back "just fine....could you send us up a couple of Playboys and some F--kin beer?" which made us all take a breath of relief. It wasn't over then though. We spent 4 hours digging a frickin trench/tunnel under the turret until we were able to get the guys out. By crawling through this trench-tunnel they were able to reach fresh air and medics who discovered they were pretty good-to-go except for some severe bruised ribs and head trauma from being banged around a bit inside the beast of a tank that it is. Also the fire department had to pump in fresh air because they tankers were breathing in spilled diesel fuel fumes that would make anyones day BAD. So it was all good as far as everyone getting dug out but a bad scens anyway as a whole. Two of the guys stayed in the tank M.O.S. but one guy got out altogether and one guy switched M.O.S.s. So it was wierd. 500 gallons of JP-8 deisel was spilled from the tanks fuel cells into the desrt so it was a HAZMAT nightmare but it turned out OK. Tanks are not supposed to be upside down.
>За фото спасибо Adam Sniper/War Online
По словам атора зто случилось во время ночных учений со стрельбой. В результате того что экипаж пользовался ПНВ они не заметили как выехали на край русла высохшей речки, к тому же закрытому от них высокой травой. Когда автор и другие прибыли к танку, 3:00 ночи, то они ожидали худшее.
К их уживлению водитель уже вылез и ходил вокруг очумелый.
Спасатели через открытый люк водителя переговариались с экипажем, который сказал что у них все ОК, за исключением ссадин и ушибов и потребовал Playboy и пиво :-). Потом спасатели рыли 4 часа лаз-тоннель к люкам башни чтобы освободить экипаж. Прибывшие пожарные боролись с растекающимся горючим (500 галлонов - примерно 1875 литров!) и закачивали в танк свежий воздух, ессно в танке нечем было дышать от паров горючего. Экипаж в это время пользовался танковой ситемой воздухофильтров.
Короче все кончилось хорошо. Все отались живы и здоровы.
Вывод автора - танки не преспособлены для эксплуатации "лапками вверх" :-)))