05.03.2003 13:23:11
Прочее; ВВС; Артиллерия;
А как вам такое оружие?
In an industry where technology is vital to providing accurate aerodynamic data, the means used by AEDC’s Bird Impact Facility are quite surprising to visitors, said Randall Watt, an AEDC project manager in the facility . "They expect a more sophisticated test technique, but it’s really common sense, a very simple thing," he said. "If you are trying to simulate a bird hitting the windshield of an aircraft, the easiest and best way to do it is to catch a bird, accelerate it to the desired speed and have an aircraft windshield in its path."
Four-pound chicken carcasses are launched at a target at speeds to simulate a direct bird-strike encounter at in-flight conditions. This method of operation led to the facility’s nicknames, the "Chicken Gun" or the "Rooster Booster"...
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