08.12.2000 21:41:57
Современность; Флот;
Отчет турецкого командования о борьбе с врагами унутренними
ANKARA - The General Staff said on Thursday that the terrorism of the PKK decreased in the year 2000, however it tries to become a political power this time.
Noting that a great success has been achieved in the struggle with terrorism particularly in the last six years, the General Staff said that the existance of 4500 terrorists, whose majority is abroad, continues to constitute a threat for the country.
General Staff said that the fight with the PKK which wants to spread in various different fields such as in political field, should continue.
The Turkish Armed Forces continues to fight with the number one issue, which is the terrorism of the PKK. ''The number of terrorist incidents which was 3,298 in 1994 decreased to 45 in 2000. In other words, in the past, nine incidents took place in a day, but this number decreased to one incident in nine days in 2000. The number of those who died in terrorist attacks decreased from 1,479 to 15 in a year, those of the security forces decreased from 1,145 to 29. The number of the total wounded decreased to 108 from four thousands in a year.''
The General Staff added that the number of terrorists decreased to 4,000-4, 500 from 11,000, stressing that the terrorist organization can only keep 10 percent of this number in the country.
''In this case, it is possible to say that the 'violence' dimension of terrorism was taken under control in a great extent in 2000. A total of 5, 853 soldiers died in the fight with the PKK terorrist organization and 11, 946 others were wounded,'' it was noted.
The General Staff added that the terrorist organization PKK tries to use its socalled ''call for peace'' politically and it also uses its terrorists as a tool in that.
Listing some of the demands of the terrorist organization PKK from Turkey under the name of socalled call for peace, the General Staff said that ''the PKK wants description of our citizens of Kurdish origin as a different nation, autonomy for some of our regions and amnesty for all PKK terrorists including more than 10,000 inmates -including the head terrorist Ocalan-.''
The General Staff added that the PKK threatened the Turkish Republic of re- starting its armed activities if the latter does not accept its demands, stressing that the PKK tries to do what it couldn't do with use of force by issuing this socalled call for peace.
''The Turkish Armed Forces is resolved to fight with PKK terrorism until this threat is completely removed,'' it added.
ANKARA - General Staff said on Thursday that the PKK terrorist organization uses slogans such as ''ethnic identity, education and broadcast in mother tongue and strengethening of local administrations'' as elements of persuading the society for its political separatist activities.
The General Staff issued the same day a ''2000 Year Internal Security Operation Evaluation Report'' and indicated that the PKK terrorist organization tries to put pressure on the state both from the country and outside.
These activities of the PKK terrorist organization can be described as ''politicization'' efforts of the PKK, said the General Staff adding that these are also efforts launched for creating and developing a political separatist movement. This can be described as the second dimension of the terrorism of the PKK, it noted. Some circles of the society are organized in legal and illegal institutions and they are forced to hold demonstrations, said the General Staff showing as an example the conflict between children and police during the census held on October 22, 2000 in southern province of Adana.
''As it is known the citizens in southeastern Anatolia suffered a lot by the terrorist attacks of the PKK, thousands of people died, thousands of villages were damaged and the development of eastern and southeastern provinces was hampered by the activities of the PKK.''
''As it is also known terrorism is a kind of violence which does not respect human rights and it is the most important threat directed against humanity and democracies. This is also valid for the EU, Article 29 of the EU agreement holds liable its member countries to fight with terrorism. However some EU member countries supported the terrorist organization PKK in the past and this helped the PKK to continue its existance. Some developments which took place in 2000 and some EU offices' taking the terrorist organization as an interlocutor caused suspicions in the public opinion that the support given to the PKK in the past still continues. This encourages the PKK and makes difficult the efforts of Turkey to end terrorism.''
''In Turkey no ethnic or religious difference is manipulated,'' the General Staff said adding that all dimensions of terrorism have to end.
''There are more than 40 terrorist organizations in Turkey today which are based on ethnic, ideologic and fundamentalist elements. The number of these terrorist organization's members only in prisons is around 11,000. In return to that many terrorists can settle in European countires. Turkey carries out a great struggle to fight with terrorism, which is a crime against humanity. This struggle, above all, is a struggle for human rights and democracy. This fight has to be won for our citizens' exercising their rights, particularly the right to life, in a democratic atmosphere. However it is also a reality that separatist and fundamentalist movements supported by other circles abroad try to reach their goal by benefitting from the existing democratic atmosphere in Turkey. The fight with terrorism lasted that long due to the importance given to human rights and the rule of law.''
Recounting that an Action plan was put into force to remove the economic and social damage caused by the PKK terrorism in eastern and southeastern provinces of Turkey, the General Staff said that the government put into enforcement the action plan on May 2000 that took as a target the social and economic development.