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Дата 11.12.2000 12:38:01 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Версия для печати

Re: Информация к размышлению с танкерс.нет насчет нашего гимна

>ВСЕ, и европейцы, и американцы, сходятся на том, что гимн СССР был не просто хорош, а один из лучших, а по мнению многих, так просто лучший.
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To: right-on-target
They are both inspiring, but of course ours rings the bells for me. Whenever I hear the Soviet anthem, I will always think of the movie Hunt for Red October, when the captain of the Russian sub was pulling out into the North Atlantic, torn between a true sense of patriotism to the Rodina and yet determined to defect to the West. It's a powerful piece of music to be sure.

6 Posted on 12/08/2000 08:12:58 PST by Sender
To: Snuffington
The better tune goes to the Russkies. We should use "O' Beautiful..." for ours. Or better yet, the old Shaker tune "'Tis a Gift to be Simple, 'Tis a Gift to be Free." sorta aknowledge the Big Guy upstairs.

12 Posted on 12/08/2000 08:27:19 PST by JohnYankeeCmpsr

To: right-on-target
The Soviet anthem has always been a favorite - it is so sad. Something about its combination of majesty and somberness really gets to me. Really an effective piece of music to represent a pretty roughed-up group of people over the centuries.

This may make some consider me a Commie!! EEEKKK!!!

22 Posted on 12/08/2000 08:58:30 PST by HitmanNY

To: KMJames

Musically speaking I have always had a problem with the US anthem. But with time I have gotten used to it.

As far as anthems go I like the Italian, German, old soviet, Japanese and Argentine anhthems as musically superior.

Anthems come and go and are often changed but nations remain.

I'd like to point out that in this country unlike any other our oath is "to protect and preserve the constitution of the United States", NOT a country, potentate, monarch, flag or anthem.

To: right-on-target
I always felt the russian tune belonged at the ending credits to a movie, not an upbeat national anthem. It always seemed so final.

47 Posted on 12/08/2000 11:05:43 PST by PatrioticAmerican