Исаев Алексей
Василий Фофанов
14.11.2000 16:11:29
Современность; Танки;
Re: К вопросу о легких силах
Доброе время суток,
>Не пойдет. Чаффи был ЛЕГКИМ танком (в смысле, к нему прилагались средние и тяжелые). А AGS - будет ОСНОВНЫМ. И к нему не будет больше вообще ничего прилагаться, что называлось бы "танк".
Это где это М8 назван ОБТ????
Цитирую FM 17-18
M8 Light Tank. Currently, light armor units are equipped with the M551A1 (TTS) armored reconnaissance airborne assault vehicle. The M551A1 will be replaced by the M8 light tank. The light tank will be an air-deliverable, all-weather, mobile, protected direct-fire platform. It will be able to engage enemy bunkers, buildings, armor systems, and personnel in close or built-up terrain. The light tank has a three-man crew and is armed with a 105-mm cannon with autoloader and caliber .50 and 7.62-mm machine guns.
The light tank will add a new dimension to the combined-arms capability of light forces, but it is not intended to replace the main battle tank. The primary purpose of M8 light tank forces is to operate with light infantry during rapid-deployment contingency operations (CONOPS). They immediately provide the rapid-deployment commander with an armored system that can counter a variety of threats until heavier forces arrive in theater. Initial light tank forces can be air-delivered using low velocity air drop (LVAD) procedures, followed closely by forces arriving by airlanding transportation assets (see Appendix A).
>С уважением, Василий Фофанов, http://armor.vif2.ru
С уважением, Алексей Исаев http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/2148/