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Дата 22.06.2024 15:52:21 Найти в дереве
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Ликвидируйте невежество, а то как-то прям испанский стыд за вас

Глава американских военных советников в Корейской Республике (КР) генерал В. Робертс в январе 1950 года, выступая перед южнокорейским руководством, заявил, что «нападение на КНДР полностью подготовлено, и необходимо только сделать так, чтобы общественное мнение было готово поверить в то, что войну начал Ким Ир Сен»

Berger K. The Korean Knot. A Military, Political History. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1957. Р. 96.

The continuing southward movement of the expanding Korean People’s Army toward the thirty-eighth parallel probably constitutes a defensive measure to offset the growing strength of the offensively minded South Korean Army, The influx of Chinese Communist-trained troops from Manchuria, how - ever, wfll partially solve North Kgrea’s manpower shortage and will add materially to the combat potential of the North Korean Army. North Korean military strength has been further bolstered by the assignment of tanks and heavy ;
field guns to units in the thirty-eighth parallel zone and by the development of North Korean air capabilities, Despite this increase in North Korean military strength, the possilbility of an invasion of South Korea is North Korean forces can develop a clear-cut superiority over the increasingly efficient South Korean Army

Publishing a then top-secret document (PPS 23, February 24, 1948), Kennan laid out an honest assessment of the need for a successful U.S. imperial policy:

“…we have about 50 percent of the world’s wealth, but only 6.3 percent of its population…In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task…is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security…We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction…We should cease to talk about vague and — for the Far East — unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.”

A 1948 CIA personality profile analysis of Rhee, apparently the first ever prepared on a foreign leader by the relatively new CIA, concluded: “The danger exists…that Rhee’s inflated ego may lead him into action disastrous or at least highly embarrassing to the new Korean Government and to the interests of the U.S.” It is certainly true that the U.S. was worried about Rhee provoking a military attack against the North across the 17th Parallel. But a bloodbath within the South, exterminating or imprisoning virtually the entire popular movement, which at one time clearly represented the vast majority of Korean citizens, was of no concern to the U.S. In fact, it supported and directed much of it! Though at times the U.S. government privately censured Rhee and his military and Korean National Police units, U.S. officials consistently publicly praised the “free and democratic” Republic of Korea (ROK).

Горячая война, по-видимому, началась в Онджине, совсем недалеко от 38-й параллели в западной Корее, около 3 или 4 часов утра 25 июня (по корейскому времени) 1950 года. Это было в том же районе, где в начале мая 1949 года разгорелись ожесточенные бои в Кэсоне, когда сражения, по-видимому, начатые шестью пехотными ротами с юга, продолжались четыре дня, унося жизни 400 северокорейских и 22 южнокорейских солдат. По словам официальных лиц США и Южной Кореи, в Кэсоне также были убиты около 100 мирных жителей. Последующие тяжелые бои произошли в июне на отдаленном полуострове Онджин на западном побережье выше Сеула, и в августе, когда силы с севера атаковали РОКА, занявшую небольшую гору к северу от 38-й параллели. Ли постоянно угрожал нападениями на Северную Корею.