22.11.2021 13:12:06
Прочее; Современность;
Очень кстати Вы техасцев вспомнили, Андрей Петрович (+)
Вот смотрим песенку про героев-янки от апреля 1945 года:
Stars And Stripes On Iwo Jima
Performed by Bob Wills
Recorded April 20, 1945
Words and Music by Bob Wills and Cliff Johnsen (Cactus Jack)
When the Yanks raised the Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima Isle,
Thur' the blood and tears they won thru'.
Bless the heart of each Yankee there on Iwo Jima Isle
Resting 'neath a blanket of blue
High on the hill Suribachi
Flies Old Glory and she always will.
When the Yanks raised the Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima Isle,
There were tears in their hearts tho' they smiled.
When the Yanks raised the Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima Isle,
Ev'ry heart could sing once again;
And the sight of Old Glory over Iwo Jima Isle
Swelled the hearts of our fighting men.
Long will it wave o'er the hilltop,
As a symbol of heroes who died;
When the Yanks raised the Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima Isle,
Each American heart filled with pride.
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А теперь смотрим национальность/штат рождения:
Strank - украинец и Чехословакии
Block - техасец
Souseley - из Кентукки
Hayes - индеец
Schultz - из Детройта
Keller - из Айовы
Автор песни Bob Wills из Техаса.
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